January 13, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Focus on the Family's Option Ultrasound Program Celebrates 5 Years
Dr. Dobson says: 'To all the women who have been impacted, may God bless you for choosing life for your babies.'

Potentially, as many as 63,000 babies have been saved, thanks to Focus on the Family's Option Ultrasound Program (OUP).

The program, which is celebrating five years, has provided more than 400 grants for ultrasound machines and professional sonography training to Pregnancy Medical Clinics (PMCs) in 49 states.

"To all the women who have been impacted by the Option Ultrasound Program, may God bless you for choosing life for your babies," Dr. James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, said in a special video message. "I wish I could be there to celebrate each birthday with you.

Walk for Life West Coast expects 25,000 participants

The Fifth Annual Walk for Life West Coast pro-life event is expected to draw more than 25,000 people to protest the legalization of abortion in a march along San Francisco's waterfront on Saturday, January 24.

The Walk began in 2005 when a small group of San Francisco residents decided to organize a march with an outreach to women, especially those who have undergone an abortion or who are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy, a press release from Walk for Life West Coast reports.

More than 1,600 families in Madrid have requested adoption during last two months

The organization Pro-Life Manifesto (Manifiesto por la Vida) in Spain reported this week that during the last two months, more than 1,600 families have requested to adopt a child from any place in the world.

Of those, 577 have successfully passed the review process and are eligible to adopt a child.  In most cases the adoptee will be from a foreign country, as in Madrid only 60 to 70 adoptees are native-born while more than 700 come from other countries.

Planned Parenthood of America Lays Off 20% of Staff

Hit with declines in funding from the economic crisis and the Madoff scandal, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America is laying off around 20% of its staff. Roughly 30 people were let go earlier this week, according to a source who works for the nonprofit. Executives at Planned Parenthood confirmed the layoffs, but declined to give more details.

Suicide Entrepreneur Investigated For Profiteering

Prosecutors are investigating the founder of the Dignitas assisted-suicide clinic over reports the facility is operating as a for-profit business and not a charity as Swiss law requires. The accusations against Ludwig Minelli are part of a two-year probe of Dignitas, reported the London Telegraph, and investigators are expected to complete their activities later this year when they will determine if there is evidence to file charges against Minelli or clinic staff.

MTV Ad for Plan B Morning-After Pill Has Parents Up in Arms

Duramed, the unit of Teva/Barr that markets the Plan B morning-after contraceptive, is advertising on MTV.com, and some parents don't like it, according to Ad Age. Denise O'Donoghue and her husband, Patrick, who have a 14-year old daughter, said: For MTV to run this ad is irresponsible. There are some kids — girls and boys — who aren't quite ready to understand all this. Between that and the way the advertising for Plan B makes it sound like you can make a mistake and have a do-over, it's irresponsible.

Free Morning-After Pill Advert Under Fire

A radio campaign for free handouts of the morning-after pill is giving teens an excuse for unprotected sex and putting them at risk of sexually transmitted infections, critics say. Auckland District Health Board began a $300,000 trial in October offering the emergency contraceptive pill free at pharmacies in a bid to cut the teen pregnancy and abortion rate. In the first two months of the scheme, 1539 women got the pill. A similar scheme, for women under 25, has run in the Waikato for two years.

FDA is Deeply 'Corrupted and Distorted,' Claim Its Own Scientists in Protest Letter

FDA scientists have become so fed up with the criminal behavior of their own administration that they've filed a strongly-worded complaint with President-elect Obama, alleging the FDA has been deeply "corrupted and distorted." FDA managers, the letter explains, are "placing the American people at risk" by using tactics of intimidation to censor scientific debate within the FDA. This scientific censorship agenda, of course, mirrors the exact same tactics used by the FDA outside the agency against makers of nutritional supplements or herbal products. Intimidation and censorship, it seems, are part of the very fabric of the FDA.