January 13, 2009

Former “Card-Carrying Member of NARAL” to March for Life

Former "Card-Carrying Member of NARAL" to March for Life in January West Coast Walk for Life

A former "card-carrying member of NARAL" will be among the more than 25,000 people expected to peacefully walk along San Francisco's waterfront on Saturday, January 24, in the 5th Annual Walk for Life West Coast.
The Walk began in 2005 when a handful of San Franciscans decided they wanted a San Francisco-style walk with an outreach to women, particularly women who have experienced abortion or who are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy.
"That's what it is about," said Walk co-chair Dolores Meehan, a fourth-generation San Franciscan. "My grandmother was left on a doorstep as an infant at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 21st century, we want to make having a baby a choice that all of us support. And, we want to make sure that women who have had abortions know we are there for them in sympathy and support."
"Women deserve better than abortion," said Feminists for Life speaker Karen Shablin. Shablin, a former member of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and a former acting Medicaid agency director, had an abortion in her 20s. "I can't undo my mistakes over the years - having an abortion, advocating abortion, but I can help others to learn from my mistakes. Every life counts," Shablin said.
"Abortion hurts women and families," said Frank Lee, a community leader and coordinator of Asian Americans Against Abortion. "We have allowed abortion to decimate our future for too long by killing our children before they are born.  Americans, regardless of ethnic background, need to stand up and ensure that every life is cherished."
Lee and Shablin are among a stellar line-up of speakers at the Walk that includes Black Genocide founder Rev. Clenard Childress and singer Diana Nagy, whose crisis pregnancy at 15 ended in adoption.
For more information about the Walk events, go to walkforlifewc.com

Source URL: http://www.lifesitenews.com
Publish Date:
January 12, 2009
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