January 29, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Virginia bill targeting pro-life pharmacies shelved

DMC Pharmacy, a new pro-life pharmacy in Chantilly, Virginia claims to have been the target of a bill recently introduced into the Virginia House of Delegates. The bill, which was tabled indefinitely, placed restrictions on pharmacies which refuse to prescribe contraceptives.

Virginia House Bill 2373 was proposed on Jan. 14 and tabled in the Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions on Tuesday. Bob Laird, Executive Director of DMC's parent company Divine Mercy Care, told CNA that the effect of the bill being tabled is that "the issue cannot be brought up again this year."

Obama Administration, Vatican Clash Over Abortion

After President Obama ended a ban last week on federal funding to international groups that perform or promote abortions, he is taking heat from the Roman Catholic Church.

While President Obama's special envoy tries to broker peace in the Middle East and the White House dangles an olive branch before a near-nuclear Iran, a new foreign policy confrontation is in the making -- with the Vatican.

After he ended a ban last week on federal funding to international groups that perform or promote abortions, Obama is taking heat from the Roman Catholic Church, that political powerhouse based overseas.

Vatican officials said last weekend that they were disappointed by the president's decision to reverse the so-called Mexico City policy.

Planned Parenthood Pushing `Prevention First Act'

What is the Prevention First Act? The Prevention First Act has several components, all of which would fund programs that are promoted by Planned Parenthood and would put millions more of our tax dollars into PP's coffers. These components include:

Making Title X (family planning) a permanent program and funding it at $700 million or more.

Mandating that health insurance programs that cover prescriptions must cover abortifacient contraceptives.

Creating additional massive government funding for PP-style sex education programs (abstinence-only programs are specifically excluded from funding).

Permanently including family planning services as part of the Medicaid program.

Lawmakers Fail to Limit Health Insurance Programs, Dems Shoot Down 'Mexico City' Amendment

Senate Republicans fell short Wednesday in their effort to limit the expansion of a government health insurance programs. Republicans tried several times to amend a bill that would renew the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The Senate rejected that amendment, 65-32. The Senate rejected another proposed amendment that would have revived a prohibition on federal taxpayer funding for international groups that perform abortions [and] provide abortion information (Mexico City Policy). By a 60-37 vote, Democrats turned back an amendment that would have denied [taxpayer funding] to groups involved in abortions abroad.

Pro-Abortion Politicians Back Away from Pelosi

Pelosi's long record of support for pro-abortion policies continues to mislead and distort Catholics teaching on the sanctity of human life. While the family planning component Pelosi is championing in the economic stimulus package remains, we are mildly surprised to see President Obama place pressure on Pelosi to drop that component.

S.C. Panel OKs Republican's 24-Hour Wait On Abortions Regulation

Women seeking an abortion in South Carolina would have to wait at least 24 hours after their ultrasound under a bill given initial approval Wednesday by a House subcommittee. The measure would increase the waiting time from an hour to a day. Proponents said it would bring South Carolina in line with other states that have waiting periods and give women time to reflect on the decision. Critics said requiring two trips creates a burden, especially for poor, rural women.

One Quarter of UK Secondary Teachers Have Been Asked about Abortion by Students

A quarter of UK secondary school teachers have been asked for advice by students on how to obtain an abortion, a recent study has found. 24 percent of secondary school teachers said they had been asked for advice on abortion. 67 percent of those polled said they think information about abortion should be included in the national curriculum on sex education.
The Teachers TV poll of more than 800 teachers and others working in education found that although there was general support for providing students with abortion information, 82 percent believe that discussing the topic could offend parents, and 42 percent think it could offend students.