January 19, 2009



Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.

Pro-lifers Plant 3,000 Crosses In Open Field Next To I-80

Hoping to draw attention to the number of abortions performed each day, about 60 people took to planting white crosses in a field adjacent to Interstate 80 Saturday. About 3,000 crosses in all were stuck in the ground on what was once an airstrip along the eastbound lanes just east of Midway Road. Staff from the Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center helped organize the event which drew volunteers ranging from Vacaville Christian High School and UC Davis students to residents from Vacaville and Redding.

Post-Abortion Distress

Intense feelings of guilt, shame, and anger are reported by many women who have had abortions. Psychologists generally agree that about 10 percent of the 1 million women who have abortions each year experience severe emotional trauma following the procedure. Teenage women are especially likely to experience post-abortion distress. One study found that one out of every three teenagers who aborted showed signs of emotional aftermath. Another study reports that less than one-fourth of teens who aborted were able to cope with the aftermath of their abortion in an undestructive manner. “Because of their limited experience, their greater dependence on others, and their youthful idealism, teenage woman are extremely vulnerable to coercion, deceit, and compromised decision-making” writes David Reardon in "Aborted Women: Silent No More." The data and analysis regarding post-abortion emotional distress remains sparse, yet more and more people are beginning to recognize that the agony of abortion does not end when a woman leaves the abortion clinic, which is why Women’s Resource Center of the Rockies is offering a post-abortion support group.

Women Seeking Abortions Experience Assault From Partners

Hundreds of women seeking abortions in Victoria each year have experienced violence at the hands of their partners. A University of Melbourne study, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, is the first Victorian study to look at those who consider aborting unplanned pregnancies. It audited 12 months of calls to the Royal Women's Hospital's Pregnancy Advisory Service, Victoria's largest public pregnancy support service. The service received more than 5400 calls from women seeking advice between October 2006 and September 2007. About 3200 of the women wanted abortions, and 752 of them had previously had at least one abortion.

Court Asked To Take Abused Child Off Life Support

A court could decide by next week whether to end life support for a 6-month-old Dallas baby who has suffered severe brain damage, dozens of bone fractures and numerous scars, allegedly at the hands of his parents. Besides severe brain and spinal cord injuries, a physician noted that David Coronado Jr. had 42 skeletal injuries. His hands and feet appeared to have been pulled, twisted and crushed. His skin injuries include bruises and human bite marks, The Dallas Morning News reported in Saturday editions.

Birth Defects and SSRIs--How's a Mother to Know?

In fact a study of almost 500,000 women, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2007, found an alarming 50 percent of women taking a prescription drug during pregnancy were not aware that those drugs could cause birth defects because they had not been warned about getting pregnant while on the drugs. The investigators of the study noted that women being prescribed drugs like SSRIs, which are associated with the development of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in newborns, should be counselled about the risks before they begin taking the drugs.

County Judge Rejects Lawsuit To Stop Human Embryo Research

For a second time, a Cole County judge has rejected a lawsuit by critics of embryonic stem cell research seeking to block distribution of $21 million in state funds to life science grants. But Ed Martin, an attorney for Missouri Roundtable for Life, said yesterday’s ruling by Circuit Judge Richard Callahan won’t end the group’s efforts. "We will immediately appeal this ruling and continue the fight," said Martin, a former chief of staff for former Gov. Matt Blunt. At issue in the case is whether state grants for life sciences may be spent on stem cell research.

Chinese Women Oppose One-Child-Policy, Want More Children

China's National Family Planning Commission (NFPC) has found that 70 per cent of women want to have two babies or more. Under the country’s forced family planning law Chinese couples are restricted to one child, except for rural residents, members of ethnic minorities and parents who are themselves only children. The results are embarrassing to the authorities who have always tried to advertise the idea that one child was what most people wanted. For would-be violators breaking the one-child policy can be costly in financial terms but also in job discrimination.