December 10, 2008

Should Tax Dollars Pay to Murder Children by Abortions?

Should Government Tax Dollars Pay to Murder Children by Abortions?


Profane article by Deborah Kotz / U.S. News & World Report


I'd like to think that Barack Obama will be a "great uniter," but when it comes to his abortion policies, I'm not so sure. Stephanie Cutter, chief spokesperson of Obama's transition team, confirmed that our next president will, as promised on the campaign trail, support the controversial Freedom of Choice Act. This legislation declares that a woman "has the fundamental right to choose to bear a child, to terminate a pregnancy prior to fetal viability, or to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to protect the life or health of the woman." It also says that federal and local governments can't "discriminate" against a woman's right to choose by, say, funding pregnancy or contraception coverage but not abortion. It was first introduced in Congress in 2007 but stands a much better chance of passing with a president who's willing to sign it into law.