December 4, 2008

National Petition to Stop FOCA

National Petition to Stop the Federal No-Limits-On-Abortion Bill


The petition urges all United States Senators and House members to reject the so-called "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA), a radical pro-abortion battering ram intended to dismantle all state and federal limitations on abortion.


The heart of FOCA is a ban that would nullify all of the major types of pro-life laws that the Supreme Court has said are permissible under Roe v. Wade. To name just a few consequences were this to become law, FOCA would make the brutal partial-birth abortion technique legal again.


It would require tax funding of abortion on demand, even when used as a method of birth control. And it would nullify virtually all state limits on abortion, including laws requiring parental notification before an abortion is performed on a minor.


Pro-abortion President-elect Barack Obama has unequivocally endorsed enactment of the FOCA.


To view and download the petition please visit:


Source: Illinois Federation for Right to Life / National Right to Life

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Publish Date: December 4, 2008

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