December 2, 2008

Hillary To Propel Women's `Rights'

Activists Expect Hillary To Propel Women's `Rights'


President-elect Barack Obama's expected nomination today of Hillary Clinton as the next secretary of state has energized human rights and women's rights activists, who expect the former first lady to bring a dramatic new focus to the plight of women around the globe. The appointment of the New York senator - a bitter rival of Obama's during the lengthy Democratic primary battle - is to be announced in Chicago today along with the rest of his national security team. Obama plans to announce that Defense Secretary Robert Gates will keep his post and retired Marine General James L. Jones will serve as national security adviser. He will name Susan E. Rice as US ambassador to the United Nations. Also expected at the morning announcement are Eric Holder Jr., his nominee to be attorney general, and Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona, his choice to be secretary of homeland security.