October 21, 2008




Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of The Illinois Federation for Right to Life. They are presented only for your information.


Abortion Amendments to UK Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill Unlikely to Come to a Vote Wednesday


MPs warned that Northern Ireland amendment could scupper peace process


Amendments to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill, meant to liberalize Britain's abortion law and force legalization of abortion on Northern Ireland, are proving more difficult to have passed than expected for Parliament's abortion campaigning MPs.


The Labor government's HFE bill is set for third reading debate and a vote on Wednesday night, with the debate expected to run through most of the day. Sources inside Parliament have informed LifeSiteNews.com that all the proposed amendments related to further liberalizing abortion in the United Kingdom will be moved so far down on Wednesday's order paper that they will likely be rendered impossible to pass.


The government reportedly fears that the controversy surrounding abortion will sidetrack and bog down legislation that was meant to further Britain's embryo and cloning research, a subject high on the Labour party's list of priorities.


The news that the abortion issue in the HFE bill is effectively to be dropped by the House of Commons follows reports last week that ministers feared that the effort to force legal abortion on the province could derail the Northern Irish peace process.




Free Abortion Ship Arrives in Spain to Pro-life Protests


The abortion ship "Aurora" arrived in Valencia, Spain last Thursday evening to the protests of 400 pro-life demonstrators. Many of the protesters belonged to Catholic youth groups, as well as to the Valencian pro-life group "Provida."


The Aurora provides abortions on demand in international waters around nations where abortion remains illegal or restricted, drawing international media attention and putting pressure on the countries where it docks to legalize abortion.




Huge Belfast Rally Opposes Attempt to Impose Abortion on Northern Ireland


Pro-life people from all over the island came to support Northern Irish MPs and MLAs who have told Westminster that they will refuse to implement any new law that attempts to push unwanted legalized abortion onto the province. Despite pouring rain, pro-life organizers are hailing a rally in Belfast on Friday as a triumph. Although the sparse mainstream media coverage downgraded the turnout as a mere "few hundred" event organizers said they were pleased with the nearly 5000-strong crowd.


The rally was organized after a group of six radical pro-abortion Westminster MPs, none of whom represent Northern Irish constituencies, tabled an amendment to the Labour government's Human Fertilisation and Embryology bill that proposes to extend the provisions of the 1967 Abortion Act into Northern Ireland. The HFE bill is set to come to a third reading vote on Wednesday night. Pro-life campaigners have planned a second rally at the Houses of Parliament and are presenting MPs with a petition asking that the amendments liberalizing Britain's abortion laws be defeated.
