October 16, 2008

40 Days for Life at Halfway Point

40 Days for Life at Halfway Point: 268 Lives Saved, Hearts Changed, and Planned Parenthood Irritated


"I know 40 Days for Life is on the right track whenever Planned Parenthood cranks up its PR machine," said Shawn Carney, national outreach director of 40 Days for Life. "And if you read some of the things Planned Parenthood and its supporters are publishing these days, it's obvious that the nation's largest abortion chain sees trouble on the horizon."


This week, the 40 Days for Life fall campaign reached its halfway point. "By our best estimates, tens of thousands of pro-life people in more than 175 communities in 47 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa and two Canadian provinces are participating," said Carney. "Local campaign coordinators report that thus far, at least 268 mothers have left abortion facilities without having abortions."


In addition, pro-life pregnancy resource centers are reporting a significant increase in their client numbers, and more mothers are choosing life for their babies. A number of local 40 Days for Life coordinators report a decline in the number of abortion customers - a decline of up to 30 or even 50 percent in some cases. Clinics are closing early - or not opening at all. "We know of at least two clinic employees who have quit their jobs in the abortion industry," said Carney. One Planned Parenthood facility in Vermont has reportedly been running newspaper ads, seeking replacement employees to assist with its abortion business.


"Planned Parenthood in particular doesn't like 40 Days for Life," Carney said. One Planned Parenthood affiliate refers to the campaign as "40 days of harassment." Planned Parenthood has also brought back its "I am Emily X" blog, a series of postings that complains of the many alleged hardships employees face. One entry takes specific aim at a Catholic group that came to recite the rosary during a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil. "I worry about how intimidating the sound of all those voices at once can be," the blogger said, before claiming that the rosary "has been corrupted as a tool to frighten women."


"In point of fact," said Carney, "the sight of people gathered in prayer outside of Planned Parenthood facilities and other abortion centers has given women a sense of hope at a point in their lives when they feel most vulnerable and desperate. Prayer 'intimidates' no one - and thus far, it has saved 268 lives, and saved 268 mothers - plus fathers and countless other family members and friends - from the lifetime of guilt and regret that can follow the so-called choice of abortion.


"We have said from the beginning that this fall represents a critical time for our culture and our society," said Carney. "The response we have seen during 40 Days of Life is a sure sign that faithful people, taking a public stand, can make a difference - for the babies, for the mothers, for our nation."


Contact: Amber Dolle

Source: 40 Days for Life

Source URL: http://www.40daysforlife.com

Publish Date: October 16, 2008

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