March 24, 2021

ACLU Report Argues that Parental Consent (Rather than Family Abuse) Causes Harm to Minors

photo credit: Anthony Tran / Unsplash
The ACLU and Human Rights Watch recently collaborated to create a report arguing that Illinois's Parental Notification of Abortion Act causes "real harm" to minors seeking abortions.

The report, titled, “The Only People It Really Affects Are the People It Hurts” argues that parental notification laws violate human rights.

Margaret Wurth is a researcher at Human Rights Watch who authored the report. In an article for the Chicago Sun-Times, she said, “For me, the real takeaway is that this violates people’s rights and it causes real harm. It’s a human rights imperative to repeal it.”

Wurth said to WSILTV, “Most often, according to the data presented in our report, young people fear being forced to continue a pregnancy against their own will or being kicked out of the home or cut off financially.”

Under current law, parents cannot force their children to continue a pregnancy against their will. The Parental Notice of Abortion Act only requires what its title states: notification. Parental consent to the abortion is not required. Therefore, parents who abuse their children in response to their decision to abort a child can be held criminally liable for their actions.

If a minor experiences abuse by parents or guardians and fears the parental notification requirement, getting rid of parental notification will not solve the problem. The minor will simply go back to her abusive household after having an abortion and nothing will change.

Young girls can instead receive support from organizations that will remove them from abusive environments. If child protective services and police are allowed to take action, then parental notification no longer threatens these girls.

Click here to read more.

Los Angeles Court Ruling Prevents Sofia Vergara's Ex-Fiancé from Bringing IVF-Conceived Children to Birth

Sofia Vergara
Photo attribution: © Glenn Francis (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Earlier this month, a court in Los Angeles, California ruled in favor of actress Sofia Vergara to prevent her ex-fiancé from bringing embryos they conceived through IVF to birth.

Nick Loeb, Vergara's ex-fiancé, has sought custody of the embryos they had created while they were a couple. He says that Vergara had told him that embryos should never be destroyed, but her opinion allegedly changed after they split. Now, she wants the embryos either frozen indefinitely or destroyed.

The court granted Vergara a permanent injunction which bans Loeb from bringing the embryos to birth.

In a statement, Loeb said, “It’s sad that Sofia, a devout Catholic, would intentionally create babies just to kill them.”

Loeb has said that he is willing to provide for the girls they conceived, whom he named Emma and Isabella. He would waive any parental or financial responsibility for Vergara, but she was not swayed.

The court cited a contract both parties signed requiring them both to agree to do anything with the embryos. These kinds of agreements, which treat human beings as though they are property to be created or destroyed at a whim, are not uncommon in the realm of IVF.

Loeb wrote an op-ed for the New York Times in 2015 decrying how his daughters' lives are being treated.

“When we create embryos for the purpose of life, should we not define them as life, rather than as property?” he wrote. “Does one person’s desire to avoid biological parenthood (free of any legal obligations) outweigh another’s religious beliefs in the sanctity of life and desire to be a parent? A woman is entitled to bring a pregnancy to term even if the man objects. Shouldn’t a man who is willing to take on all parental responsibilities be similarly entitled to bring his embryos to term even if the woman objects?”

Click here to read more.

March 23, 2021

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Gave Texas Police "Watch List" of Pro-Life Advocates

screenshot of the "watch list" Planned Parenthood
sent to the Lubbock Police Department
Before a Texas March for Life event in January, Planned Parenthood gave the police department of Lubbock, Texas a "watch list" of pro-life activists.

L. Scott Mann, who writes for the Lubbock Lights, said that the Lubbock Lights learned about the list from a police department employee.

“...the watch list was widely distributed at the Lubbock Police Department in its raw form because that’s how we learned about it: from someone who thought the information was being mishandled as a matter of police policy and standard procedure,” said Mann.

When Lubbock Lights asked Lubbock Police Chief Floyd Mitchell about the document, he responded with the following message in an email the next day:

Yesterday, you asked about a document referencing individuals associated with the March for Life protest on Friday, Jan. 29, 2021. After further review, the public information unit learned of a document produced by Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas and supplied to the Lubbock Police Department as part of communications prior to the protest. Chief Mitchell believes this is the document Scott was referring to as a “watch list.” This document included 13 individuals Planned Parenthood identified as living “in and around the city of Lubbock, while the others were the ‘big names’ who will be coming in and are listed as speakers at the rallies on Friday and Saturday.”

Officers assigned to coordinate police operations surrounding the logistics of the march conducted a search using open source methods of the individuals and found that all were publicly associated with the March for Life, West Texas For Life or speakers expected at the events being hosted during the weekend’s events. LPD does not maintain lists of protestors identified as pro-life or pro-choice.

Lubbock Lights's article on the incident further notes that Planned Parenthood's email to the department also gave the pro-life activists labels such as "aggressive." The email also included information about the individuals’ families and personal histories.

Planned Parenthood sought to make Lubbock police officers especially suspicious of specific pro-life advocates and encourage their arrest during a legal protest event. It is unknown whether Planned Parenthood employs this tactic regularly. 

Click here to read more.

HHS to Propose Revised Title X Regulations Next Month

On March 18, the HHS Office of Population Affairs published a press release with an update on its review of Trump administration Title X rules.

President Biden issued an executive order on Jan. 28 directing the HHS to review the 2019 "Protect Life" Title X rule issued by the Trump administration. That rule barred Title X grant recipients from offering abortion, co-locating with organizations that offer abortions, or referring patients for abortions. That executive order asked the HHS to “consider, as soon as practicable, whether to suspend, revise, or rescind, or publish for notice and comment proposed rules suspending, revising, or rescinding, those regulations.”

In last week's press release, the HHS Office of Population Affairs announced that it would issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking no later than April 15, 2021. After comments and review, the HHS plans to finalize new rules by early fall and have them be effective by the Fiscal Year 2022 funding announcement in December 2021.

Click here to read more.

March 22, 2021

Virginia Gov. Signs Bill Expanding Abortion Coverage

VA. Gov. Ralph Northam (D)
On March 12, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) signed legislation that expands abortion coverage in the state.

The legislation Gov. Northam signed allows abortion to be included in health plans on Virginia exchanges without any limits. Because health plans often receive subsidies funded by taxes, Virginia taxpayers will now be forced to fund abortions by law.

This new law repealed legislation that banned abortion coverage on the state exchange except for cases of rape or incest. On July 1, health plans on the Virginia exchange will cover abortions for any reason.

Click here to read more.

March 19, 2021

As St. Louis Planned Parenthood Resumes Abortions, Facility Hospitalizes 77th Patient

photo credit: Operation Rescue
Shortly after it began offering abortions again, Operation Rescue documented the 77th time the St. Louis Planned Parenthood hospitalized one of its patients.

A new video recording obtained by Operation Rescue shows a woman covered with a sheet lying on a gurney as she is loaded into a St. Louis Fire Department ambulance parked near the Planned Parenthood facility’s front door. This incident occurred on March 15, 2021.

In January, Operation Rescue published a report noting that Missouri was an abortion-free state. The Reproductive Health Services (RHS) Planned Parenthood facility in St. Louis is the only abortion clinic in Missouri, but at the time it was not offering abortion to patients. Instead, the facility was presumably referring patients to the Planned Parenthood "mega-clinic" in Fairview Heights, Illinois. In response to that report, the St. Louis clinic resumed abortions on a limited basis.

RHS Planned Parenthood faced the threat of closure in 2019 after an investigation by the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services moved to revoke its license. That investigation found that four women who had botched abortions at RHS Planned Parenthood suffered life-threatening injuries. In May 2020, however, Missouri Administrative Court Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi issued a ruling that allowed the facility to stay open despite its clear record of harming women.

“There is no reason to allow the dangerous St. Louis Planned Parenthood to continue harming women. It should have been shut down in 2019 when the state found it was too dangerous to operate. That Planned Parenthood is no better than a back-alley chop shop,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “If future performance can be predicted on past behavior, I guarantee this will not be the last woman harmed by RHS Planned Parenthood, as long as the state allows it to stay open, and that poses an unacceptable danger to the public.”

Senate Votes to Confirm Pro-Abortion Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary

photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr
On Thursday, the Senate voted 50-49 to confirm pro-abortion California Attorney General Xavier Becerra as the new secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services.

The vote was mostly along party lines, with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) being the only Republican to support Becerra's nomination. Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono (D) did not vote. Self-proclaimed pro-life Democrats Joe Manchin (WV) and Bob Casey (PA) joined the rest of their party in support of Becerra.

“Xavier Becerra has no health care experience but plenty of abortion advocacy and he is being rewarded by the Biden administration for that extremism,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

“The nation needs a Secretary with the public health experience necessary to help put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tobias. “Becerra’s confirmation looks more and more like a deal with abortion groups to confirm an activist because Xavier Becerra brings no healthcare experience to the position but plenty of abortion advocacy.”

During his time as California's Attorney General, Becerra defended California's Reproductive FACT Act (which required pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise where free or low-cost abortions were available), sued the Trump administration to take conscience protections away from organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor, and prosecuted pro-life undercover journalists for exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of selling body parts harvested from aborted babies. His cases regarding the Reproductive FACT Act and conscience protections failed at the Supreme Court, but they made his position on the issue of abortion well-known.

Becerra also led numerous efforts by state Attorneys General to oppose other states' pro-life laws in federal court and had a 100% voting record with the pro-abortion lobby while he was a California state senator.

Click here to read more.

March 18, 2021

House Votes 222 to 204 in Favor of Reviving the ERA

On Wednesday, March 17, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 222 to 204 to supposedly revive the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

The 1972 ERA, which abortion advocates say would place a right to abortion in the Constitution, had a ratification deadline that expired 42 years ago. House Joint Resolution 17 claims to retroactively remove the deadline from the text of the amendment. Because Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia all made unconstitutional votes to ratify the dead amendment in recent years, pro-abortion politicians claim that this measure would make the ERA part of the Constitution.

This process ignores states whose legislatures hold different positions than the politicians who voted to ratify the amendment decades ago, and it also ignores clear rules regarding the passage of constitutional amendments in the US House and Senate.

“This was ERA’s poorest showing in the House in 50 years,” said Douglas D. Johnson, senior policy advisor to the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), and director of its ERA Project. “Only 52 percent of voting House members supported ERA today, compared to 94% in 1971, and 56% in 2020. Today’s tally was 62 votes below the two-thirds margin that the Constitution requires to perform grown-up constitutional amending, as opposed to today’s cheap political theater.”

House Joint Resolution 17 can only be blocked at this point by pro-life politicians filibustering in the Senate.

Click here to read more.

March 17, 2021

March 17 Illinois Legislation Update

Many bills important bills relating to pro-life issues continue to move through the legislative process in Springfield. Please file witness slips and contact your legislators to make your voices heard as these bills are scheduled for another round of hearings.

photo credit: Keith Ewing / Flickr
Note: Witness slips can be filed for every hearing a bill is scheduled for. If you have already filed a witness slip for a bill in a previous hearing, you can still maximize your voice by filing another one in a new hearing.
HB 1797, which aims to repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act, is still in the House Human Services Committee. The next scheduled hearing for that committee is March 23 at 3:00 pm. This common-sense law requires abortion businesses to notify the parents of a minor who schedules an abortion. We must continue fighting to keep this law on the books!

Click here to file a witness slip opposing HB 1797.

Five pro-life bills also stayed in the House and Human Services Committee. They can also be discussed on March 23 along with HB 1797.

The Ultrasound Opportunity Act (HB 683) would require abortionists to give women seeking abortions the opportunity to view a live ultrasound of their unborn babies beforehand.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act (HB 338) declares that a child born alive as the result of a failed abortion attempt be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.

HB 783 would repeal legislation requiring taxpayer funding of abortion.

HB 791 would amend the 2019 Reproductive Health Act to prohibit abortion after 20 weeks except in the case of a medical emergency.

The Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (HB 827) would hold abortionists criminally guilty of a Class 4 felony if they complete a partial-birth abortion that isn't medically necessary. It would also allow grandparents to sue abortionists for completing a partial-birth abortion on their daughter if she is a minor, and the grandparents did not consent to the abortion. Pregnant mothers would never be held criminally responsible for partial-birth abortions under this act.

Click here to see this list of legislators on the House Human Services Committee. On that website, you can click on their names to find contact information. If your legislator is on the committee, please tell them to oppose HB 1797 and support these five pro-life bills.

SB 109 did make it out of the Senate Executive Committee. It is scheduled to have its third reading before the full Senate on March 23.

SB 109 would amend the Health Care Surrogate Act to no longer require a witness to sign the Practitioner Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form. The POLST form is used when a patient is deciding what kinds of treatments they would approve of when the patient is unable to make decisions. It would also allow a national POLST form to be used instead of the Illinois POLST form. That form similarly does not require a signature from a witness.

Please contact your state senator and tell them to oppose SB 109. If you don't know who your legislator is, you can find out by typing your address on the Illinois State Board of Elections website here.

Autopsy Report Shows Uterus Perforation During Abortion Caused Alabama Woman's Death

May 7, 2020 image showing April Lowery being helped to her car
from West Alabama Women's Center shortly before her death
photo credit: Operation Rescue
A recently-released autopsy report shows how 29-year-old April Lowery died after a botched abortion in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

On May 7, 2020, Lowery was helped out of West Alabama Women's Center to a private vehicle, which then transported her to UAB Hospital in Birmingham. There, she was pronounced dead.

CEC for Life obtained the autopsy report on behalf of a coalition of pro-life groups that have been fighting for its release over the past eight months.

That autopsy report reads:

"There is a perforation of the left portion of the cervix, below the internal cervical os.  The perforation extends into the broad ligament with maceration of the lower uterine segment and vasculature of the broad ligament. This is associated with massive hemoperitoneum (approximately 1-1/2 liters). The uterus contains an intact fetus."

This means that during the abortion procedure, the metal instruments used by the abortionist tore a hole in Lowery's womb, resulting in severe damage to blood vessels. This led to approximately 51 ounces of internal bleeding, which caused Lowery's death.

Abortion does not only kill unborn children. It poses serious health risks to women as well. It preys upon women in difficult emotional and financial situations, and it can result in trauma or even death. Lowery's autopsy also showed scars on her wrist, which suggested a past suicide attempt.

To read more details about the abortion clinic and the circumstances that lead to Lowery's death, click here to read Operation Rescue's article.

ACLU and Abortion Businesses Challenge Ohio "Unborn Child Dignity Act" in Court

The ACLU is partnering with abortionists to sue the state of Ohio over a law that would require abortionists to bury or cremate the bodies of unborn children, rather than treat them as medical waste.

At the end of 2020, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signed into law the Unborn Child Dignity Act. This law, which is scheduled to go into effect on April 6, would require abortion businesses to give women the ability to choose whether their child is cremated or buried after abortion. If the mother does not decide, then the abortion businesses must choose. Abortion businesses that don't follow these rules would be guilty of first-degree misdemeanors.

The pro-abortion litigants call the law "frivolous and medically unnecessary," but the actions of abortion businesses don't back up this claim. In 2015, an investigation by then-Attorney General Mike DeWine found that three Planned Parenthood facilities disposed of the bodies of aborted babies by dumping them in landfills.

Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Alison Hatheway denied the abortion clinics' request for a temporary restraining order against the law since it doesn't go into effect until next month. More arguments will be heard before the law is scheduled to take effect.

Click here to read more.

March 16, 2021

19 State AGs File Brief in Support of Trump's Protect Life Rule

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
On March 8, nineteen state attorneys general filed a brief with the Supreme Court in defense of the Trump administration's Protect Life Rule.

The Supreme Court announced last month that it will take up a case to resolve conflicting appeals court rulings over the constitutionality of the Protect Life Rule. That rule prevented Title X grants from funding or subsidizing abortions.

While the Biden administration has voiced that it plans to get rid of Trump's pro-life regulations, this case is still important. If the pro-abortion states suing the federal government win, then future pro-life administrations may have a much harder time enacting similar regulations.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, who signed the brief, said, “Using Title X dollars to fund or promote abortion is against the law, and I’m intervening to stop it, no matter what the president’s personal agenda may be.”

In addition to Yost from Ohio, attorneys general for Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia also signed the brief.

Click here to read more.

March 15, 2021

Poll Results Show 72% of Illinoisans Favor Parental Notice of Abortion Law

At a virtual press conference this morning, the grassroots coalition Parents for the Protection of Girls unveiled public opinion poll results showing that 72% of Illinois voters believe that a parent or guardian should be notified if a minor girl is seeking an abortion.

“Nearly three-quarters of the people in the state of Illinois are opposed to repealing our parental notice law,” said Mary FioRito, who served as moderator of the press conference.

The poll was conducted by The Tarrance Group, covering 600 Illinois registered voters during March 7-10, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 4.1%. (See attached summary results.)

FioRito is an attorney and mother of three teenage girls, and a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. and the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame.

A current effort to repeal Illinois’ parental notice of abortion law is afoot in the Illinois Legislature, with identical pieces of legislation in House Bill 1797 and Senate Bill 2190. Action on either bill is expected during the spring session.

Jon Jones, the father of a teenage girl who also serves as a worship pastor at Christian Life Center, located in the Chicago suburbs of Tinley Park and Blue Island, spoke about the current law as supporting all families.

“I understand that not every child comes from a home like ours,” Jones said. “And the needs of those children must be met – as they are in this law with the provided exemptions to notification – but it is also important to weigh the needs of loving families and ensure the government not do more to denigrate them.”

Laura Lederer, an attorney who has studied human trafficking for more than 20 years and has co-authored the preeminent study on the connection between human trafficking, health care providers, and abortion, “The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities,” outlined how parental notice can raise a red flag on potential trafficking situations when victims seek health care.

“Illinois’ current law on parental notice of abortion offers a key opportunity to recognize and free a trafficking victim from a lifetime of slavery,” Lederer said.

Dr. Brook Bello, a human trafficking survivor who holds a doctorate in pastoral clinical counseling and is the founder of the anti-trafficking organization More Too Life, recounted her grim experience of being trafficked as a minor. She stressed that parental notice laws can rescue young girls trapped in a trafficking situation.

“If my mother had had to be notified, she might have been able to find me,” Bello said.

Dr. Jacque Pfeifer, a doctoral-level psychologist with 28 years of experience in the mental health field, spoke of brain development and how a teenager’s brain is not fully formed until they hit their mid-20s, leading to impulsive decisions.

“The majority of teens are not prepared to make long-term decisions due to their lack of mental capacity to reflect, synthesize, integrate, and project thinking into the future,” Pfeifer said. “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging research shows that adolescents use the rear part of the metallization network called the temporal sulcus in contrast to adults who use the prefrontal cortex.”

Free, unlimited access to the virtual press conference may be accessed at the following link for 90 days.

More information on Parents for the Protection of Girls:

House Committee Hearing for Parental Notification Repeal Set for Tuesday at 3:00 PM

This afternoon, the House Human Services Committee scheduled a hearing for HB 1797. It will be heard in that committee tomorrow, March 16, at 3:00 pm.

If passed into law, this bill would repeal the Parental Notification of Abortion Act.

We would ask that you please contact your legislator if they are on this committee, and file a witness slip in opposition to this pro-abortion legislation.

The Parental Notification of Abortion Act requires abortionists to notify a parent or guardian of a minor who plans to have an abortion. Not only does this help to involve parents in this life-changing decision, but it also helps to expose crimes of rape and abuse. In many situations, a minor could be pressured to hide the circumstances of her pregnancy otherwise.

The law is already lenient. A minor's parents are only notified. The minor is not required to obtain consent from her parents to follow-through on her intent to have an abortion. Current law further allows minors to avoid the parental notification requirement altogether if she makes her case to a judge. The intent behind this exception is that some girls fear they would be abused by their parents if they are notified about their intent to have abortions. However, this exception only enables abusive parents rather than helping their victims. After having an abortion, these girls will go right back home to the parents whom they fear.

By exposing abuse and allowing parents to have conversations with their daughters about abortion and the tough situations they are facing (possibly involving rape that would otherwise simply be covered up) the Parental Notification of Abortion Act does a great service.

Click here to file a witness slip opposing HB 1793.

If your legislator is on the House Human Services Committee, please contact them and tell them to oppose the repeal of the Parental Notification of Abortion Act. Click here to see the list of legislators on the committee. You can click on their names to see contact information.

US Congress to Vote on Retroactively Changing Ratification Deadline of 1972 Equal Rights Amendment

The US House of Representatives will take up a measure this week in an attempt to force the failed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) into the Constitution decades after its ratification deadline passed.

We need you to contact your federal senators and representatives and tell them to oppose this pro-abortion measure. If ratified, the ERA could require taxpayer funding of abortion and provide legal justification to strike down pro-life legislation across the country.

The National Organization for Women says the ERA "could negate hundreds" of pro-life laws. NARAL says "the ERA would reinforce the constitutional right to abortion...[it] would require judges to strike down anti-abortion laws..." Many other pro-abortion organizations have made similar statements, which you can read here.

The ERA, which was proposed in 1972, had a seven-year ratification deadline that expired 42 years ago. Despite this, pro-abortion politicians in Congress will take up House Joint Resolution 17 this week. This resolution claims to retroactively remove the deadline from the dead amendment, thereby adding it to the constitution.

The Senate companion measure is Senate Joint Resolution 1. It could be taken up as soon as the week of March 22. If the measure passes the House of Representatives, only a filibuster by pro-life politicians could stop it. Pro-abortion senators would need a 60-vote majority to end a filibuster.

Click here to see the list of US congress members from Illinois. You can click on their names to find their contact information. Please call your legislators and tell them to oppose these ERA revival measures.

March 12, 2021

More Illinois Anti-Life Bills in Committee Next Week

photo credit: Matt Turner / Flickr
HB 1797 (repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act) and the five pro-life bills in the House Human Services Committee are not the only bills Illinois pro-life advocates need to be following. 

The five pro-life bills are set to be discussed in the House Human Services Committee on Tuesday, March 16 at 3:00 pm. If you are interested in those bills or would like to file witness slips in support of them, click here.

HB 1797 does not yet have a hearing date set, but Illinoisans can still contact those same legislators on the House Human Services Committee to let them know how important it is that the parental notification law is not repealed. 

The Senate Judiciary Committee is meeting on Tuesday, March 16 at 3:00 pm to discuss SB 109. This bill would amend the Health Care Surrogate Act to no longer require a witness to sign the Practitioner Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form. The POLST form is used when a patient is deciding what kinds of treatments they would approve of when the patient is unable to make decisions. It would also allow a national POLST form to be used instead of the Illinois POLST form. That form similarly does not require a signature from a witness.

Finally, SB 647 and HB 1736, otherwise known as the Reach Act, have been assigned to the Senate Executive Committee and the House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies Committee. A hearing date for this legislation in the Senate Executive Committee has not been set, but the House committee is scheduled to have a hearing on this bill on Wednesday, March 17 at 8:30 am. This bill would mandate that public schools teach comprehensive sex education in grades k-12 that neither stigmatizes abortion nor discourages sexual activity at a young age.

Judge Rules Texas can Remove Planned Parenthood from Medicaid

photo credit: Bill Dickinson / Flickr
On Wednesday, a judge ruled that Texas will finally be allowed to stop giving Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood.

Texas lawmakers started their attempt to remove Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood back in 2015, but they faced legal challenges for years before this week's victory.

The most recent challenge by Planned Parenthood alleged that Texas officials did not properly give Planned Parenthood advanced notice that they would no longer be receiving Medicaid funds. While the state did give Planned Parenthood advanced notice back in 2016, they claimed that Texas was required to start that process over after a court case resolved. Judge Lora Livingston, while empathetic to the abortion corporation, ruled that this was not the case. Livingston agreed with Texas officials when she said that Planned Parenthood is “now not able to revive their administrative remedies as the deadline to seek that relief has long since passed. The merits of their claims must be determined by the federal courts.”

Texas was motivated to stop giving Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood after undercover Center for Medical Progress videos exposed the corporation's selling of body parts harvested from aborted infants.

Click here to read more.

March 11, 2021

House Passes $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill Funding Abortion

photo credit: Giorgio Trovato / Unsplash
When the House of Representatives voted Wednesday to pass H.R. 1319, otherwise known as the American Rescue Plan Act, it did so without any language banning or restricting the use of those funds to pay for abortions.

The final vote in the House was 220-211. Every Republican representative voted against the legislation, but only one Democrat (Rep. Jared Golden of Maine) stood with them. Every other Democrat voted in favor of the bill. 

National Right to Life pointed out several parts of the bill that allocate federal tax dollars for purposes that would include abortion:

  • $219 billion to state, and $130 billion to local, governments “to mitigate the fiscal effects stemming from” COVID-19. Because Hyde Amendment language was not used, governments can use these funds to pay for abortions in the name of “responding to or mitigating the public health emergency.”
  • $204 million for State Department expenses to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus domestically or internationally, which shall include maintaining Department of State operations.” The Helms Amendment was not applied to this spending, so these funds can be spent on abortion.
  • $500 million is appropriated for the foreign humanitarian response, again “to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.” The Helms Amendment wasn't applied to this spending either.

The Family Research Council went on to break down $450 billion in funds that can be used to pay for or subsidize abortions both in the US and overseas. Click here to read their full breakdown.

“Abortion is not health care and forcing taxpayers to prop up the abortion industry during a pandemic does not help the millions of Americans deeply impacted by COVID,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Pro-abortion Democrats are more interested in funding Planned Parenthood and abortion providers than in providing real solutions for the American people.

Tobias continued, “The vast majority of Americans do not want their tax dollars to pay for abortions, yet the COVID relief reconciliation bill passed by House Democrats betrays their constituents and provides for taxpayer funding of abortion.”

Click here to read more.

Arkansas Gov. Signs Abortion Ban into Law

Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) Tuesday signed a bill that would make abortion illegal in Arkansas for any reason except to save the mother's life.

Arkansas politicians understand that the bill will not hold up to the judicial precedent of Roe v. Wade, but they hope to use this law as a means to challenge that precedent. 

Gov. Hutchinson said the law “is in contradiction of binding precedents of the U.S. Supreme Court, but it is the intent of the legislation to set the stage for the Supreme Court overturning current case law.”

The law is written to take effect 90 days after the current session of the Arkansas legislature ends. By that time, pro-abortion legal teams will have filed their legal challenges. The Arkansas chapter of the ACLU has already promised that it “will be seeing the state of Arkansas in court again.”

Click here to read more.

March 10, 2021

Illinois Abortionist with History of Harming Patients Argues for Repeal of Parental Notification

Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in Chicago
photo credit: Operation Rescue
Last month, Chicago abortionist Dr. Allison Cowett wrote an op-ed for the Chicago Sun-Times to argue for the repeal of the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. The article, written by an abortionist whose practice has caused the deaths of at least four young women, causes the notification law "dangerous." In truth, repealing the law and the practice of abortion, in general, is dangerous.

Dr. Cowett is the medical director of Family Planning Associates (FPA). The FPA-owned Albany Medical Surgical Center in Chicago is a prime example of the dangers of abortion. The facility was closed after it repeatedly failed safety inspections and caused the deaths of 13-year-old Deanna Bell, 22-year-old Maria Rodriquez, 26-year-old Maria Leho, and 16-year-old Nakia Jorden. Before then, Illinois failed to inspect the facility for 18 consecutive years. Another Chicago FPA facility hospitalized a patient as recently as New Year's Eve.

Cowett's personal record is not much better. 10 abortion patients have filed medical malpractice claims against her, and one of her patients was sent to the hospital in critical condition last April.

In her op-ed arguing for the repeal of Illinois' parental notification law, Dr. Cowett wrote,

"Most of the young women in my practice involve a parent or trusted adult in their abortion decision. And the younger the teen, the more likely she is to involve an adult. These facts are true in my office and throughout Illinois. Those who do not involve an adult do so with good reason — often because they are survivors of abuse or neglect. Some fear for their safety or the loss of shelter and food if their parents discover their pregnancy or their abortion decision. Others believe they will be forced to continue a pregnancy they did not plan and do not want."

Dr. Cowett's argument implies that minors living in abusive households should stay there rather than seek help, and it fails to inform readers that Illinois only requires parents to be informed of their daughter's decision. Parental consent is not required.

The Parental Notice of Abortion Act is good not only because it allows parents to be involved in the life-ending decision of abortion, but also because it helps to expose rape and abuse when it causes teenage pregnancies. Even minors who go through the judicial bypass system and speak with a judge so that they can avoid parental notification bring these details to light. Girls who are pressured and afraid might simply have an abortion rather than let anybody know what has happened to them.

Click here to read more.