Ambulance at the Planned Parenthood in Aurora, IL photo credit: Operation Rescue |
The abortionists at Planned Parenthood suspected that they tore a hole in the
woman's uterus, an injury that can cause severe hemorrhaging and future
infertility. The bleeding caused by such an injury is life-threatening.
Planned Parenthood did not prioritize the woman's life during this emergency,
however. When employees called 911 to request an ambulance for the patient,
they asked that the ambulance respond without using sirens.
Not using sirens slows the response time of emergency vehicles, as they will
have to navigate traffic normally. The time lost could be put to use saving
the life of a person suffering from a medical emergency, but abortion
businesses often request no sirens anyway.
Operation Rescue, a pro-life organization that documents medical emergencies
at abortion businesses, writes that this is the 12th documented
hospitalization since Aurora Planned Parenthood opened in 2012.