Illinois pro-lifers can breathe a brief sigh of relief, as bills repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act were not called to a vote before the end of the spring legislative session. Despite this, pro-life advocates still need to pay attention and be ready to fight against pro-abortion legislation. It could come back sooner than you might think.
Leaders in the General Assembly have suggested that they might call a special session in the coming weeks to consider bills that did not come to a vote before the end of the spring legislative session. If this happens, it is still possible that the General Assembly could vote on HB 1797 and SB 2091 to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act.
The Illinois Federation for Right to Life will do its best to let you know if anything is happening with pro-abortion legislation. If you have subscribed to our newsletter, please add "" to your contacts or make sure to check your spam box to find our updates. Subscribers have told us that much of our communication has ended up in spam recently, and we are currently researching solutions to this problem.