October 6, 2020

Barrett Supported Right to Life in 2006 Newspaper Ad

Supreme Court Nominee
Amy Coney Barrett
On September 30, The National Review reported that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett agreed in 2006 to let her name appear on a newspaper insert by St. Joseph County Right to Life. The ad read, “We, the following citizens of Michiana, oppose abortion on demand and support the right to life from fertilization to natural death.”

This is only the latest evidence of the nominee's pro-life stance. Her devout Catholicism and membership in Notre Dame's "Faculty for Life" have also heavily contributed to this. She has not stated whether she believes the Supreme Court should overrule the precedent of cases such as Roe v. Wade. It is also likely that she will refuse to say how she would rule on such cases, as have most Supreme Court nominees.

Some media outlets falsely reported that Barrett also endorsed an ad which appeared alongside the insert, but this is not true. St. Joseph County Right to Life also placed an ad in the paper which described Roe v. Wade as barbaric, but that ad was not approved by the people who endorsed the insert. Those people had not even seen that language.

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