“As a physician, I can say without hesitation: Life begins at conception,” she said. “While what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear, I am saying it because I’m not just pro-life, I’m pro-eternal life. I want all of us to end up in heaven together someday.”
Later in Byrne's speech, she decried the marginalized status modern culture has thrust upon unborn children:
“...we tend to think of the marginalized as living beyond our borders, the truth is the largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States,” she said. “They are the unborn.”
She argued that by fighting the politically-correct pro-abortion culture of today, pro-life advocates would be living like Jesus, who fought against the politically correct Jewish leaders throughout the Bible.
“As followers of Christ, we are called to stand up for life against the politically correct or fashionable of today,” said Byrne. “We must fight against a legislative agenda that supports and even celebrates destroying life in the womb.”