June 23, 2020

World's Youngest Surviving Preemie Goes Home After Birth at 21 Weeks Gestation

Jemarius Jachin Harbor Jr.
Photo Credit: A Moment with Kaylor / Facebook
In December of last year, Jemarius Jachin Harbor Jr. was born at just 21 weeks gestation and weighed only 13 ounces. Now, Jemarius has successfully graduated from the NICU and will be going home with his family after receiving medical support from hospital staff.

Jemarius's parents Jessica McPherson and Jemarius Harbor Senior must have been aware that prematurely-born children are denied care by medical professionals regularly for being "non-viable," because they recalled speaking with staff at Emory Decatur Hospital in Georgia to plead for help.

“We looked at each other in the eye and I told [the doctor] just give it a try,” McPherson said to Fox5. “I just want you to try. As long as you try that’s all that matters to me. Don’t just up and say that you can’t do it. Just ‘cause you haven’t done it doesn’t mean it can’t be done.”

Before Jemarius, the record for the youngest surviving prematurely-born child was 21 weeks and four days. Jemarius broke that record by four days, proving that younger and younger children have a chance at survival if ever-improving medical professionals attempt to help.