On Saturday, mourners across the country will visit over 180 locations to mourn and hold memorial services for victims of abortion across the country. Many of these will take place at the burial sites for aborted children. Pro-Life Action League organizer Eric Schiedler says that participation in the event has been increasing over time, and he seemingly expects it to continue that trend this year.
"This year, we've seen a real interest in this issue, I think because so many Americans have thought about abortions this year because of the battles over heartbeat bills in some states like Ohio and Georgia. And we've also seen states like Illinois and New York and others sweeping away abortion restrictions, so as blue states seem to go more pro-abortion and red states seem to be pushing more pro-life, the issue is in front of the public, in front of voters, in front of churchgoers."
The event is co-sponsored by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League.
Click here to see if there are any memorial sites near you.