August 28, 2018

Pro-abortion feminism has failed to address the injustices women face

Pro-abortion feminism has failed to address the injustices women face

Women around the world can celebrate: all problems facing them have been eradicated! There are no longer issues like discrimination in the workplace or in school, women being sexually assaulted and then forced into abortions, or threatened with violence over a pregnancy. How have all of these problems been solved? Why, through the glory of abortion, of course! This is why it’s so vital for abortion to remain legal no matter what! Without it, women would face unspeakable horrors and discrimination…. or so the modern, pro-abortion feminist argument goes.

But in reality, abortion has solved none of these very real, pressing issues. Yet modern, pro-abortion feminists are focused, above all else, on ensuring that abortion remains not only legal, but widespread and destigmatized. It’s not enough for abortion to be an option; no, it must be celebrated and available without limits. Any other societal problems that women face take a backseat to abortion for pro-abortion feminists, who continue to insist that the most important issue women face today is that Roe v. Wade may be overturned. Never mind that the fact that women continue to feel as though they need abortion is, in and of itself, misogynistic; never mind that abortion allows discrimination against women — simply because of their ability to bear children — to flourish.

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