September 22, 2016

Pro-life Film 'Voiceless' to Get Advance Screening in Front of the U.S. Supreme Court

After initially denying Church on the Hill and Movie to Movement's request to preview the groundbreaking new film "Voiceless" in front of the Supreme Court on October 2, Court officials have granted permission.

After two weeks of communications and meetings with Court officials, in which the screening request was denied three separate times, and less than 48 hours away from filing a lawsuit to assert Church on the Hill and Rev. Patrick Mahoney's First Amendment rights, the Court reversed course and settled on a plan to screen "Voiceless" in front of the Court.

According to organizers, this is the first time the Supreme Court has ever permitted a film to be shown in front of the Court. This is not only a historic victory for free speech and the First Amendment, but also a powerful opportunity to give a voice to the millions of innocent children who have no voice of their own.

The award-winning film "Voiceless" introduces viewers to a discharged soldier who discovers an abortion clinic operating across the street from his Philadelphia church. He struggles to motivate his church to get involved in protecting unborn babies, and eventually must decide whether to risk it all to fight for what is right.

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