January 15, 2016

Guttmacher says 27% of all “abortion restrictions” passed in last five years

The Guttmacher Institute is the abortion movement’s in-house think tank, which is what you would expect from the former “special affiliate” of Planned Parenthood.

Last week we posted about “How a preeminent pro-abortion think-tank views 2015 (Hint: they are not happy).”  That was based on a reported titled, “Laws Affecting Reproductive Health and Rights: 2015 State Policy Review.”

Today Guttmacher added still more detail in a “News in Context” post titled, “Last Five Years Account for More Than One-quarter of All Abortion Restrictions Enacted Since Roe.”

Sounds sort of self-explanatory, right? Well, there’s much more to it than writing that of the “1,074 abortion restrictions” enacted since Roe, “288 (27%) have been enacted just since 2010.”

Click here for the originating article from National Right to Life.