May 29, 2015

Post-abortive father reveals his pain in Esquire article

Among pro-lifers, it is well-known that many women suffer emotionally after their abortions. A previous Live Action article about post-abortion women and suicide mentioned two studies that found that women who aborted had a six to seven times higher suicide rate than women who did not.

But men can also suffer after their partner’s abortions. Through the years, many post-abortion men have spoken out about their pain. In the magazine Esquire, a publication not known for pro-life biases, post-abortion father, Mark Baker, gave an eloquent and poignant testimony. Although the testimony was given years ago, the feelings it expresses are common among men who regret a past abortion.

Despite trying, he was unable to deny his baby’s humanity: “I don’t have a good rationalization for that either. I’m not one of those people who believes that it’s only potential life. I’ve come to believe more and more that the baby in the womb is just that – a human life. I wish I didn’t. I wish I could make myself believe differently, but I can’t. It would make it easier to deal with mentally. When you have the opposite view and you go through with the abortion anyway, well that’s worse than anything.”

Click here for the full article.