It’s not about you.
Nope. And it’s definitely not about me. It’s about the nearly 3,000 unborn children who will die a brutal death by abortion today. And another 3,000 tomorrow. It’s about protecting their lives – and their futures.
Occasionally, I hear from people who are opposed to our endorsements who complain that a Congressman or Senator has “been in too long,” or they’re too old, or that they’re “not conservative enough.”
These concerns entirely miss the point. We are in the business of saving lives. If someone has reached a level of power after serving long enough that they can impact lifesaving legislation, God bless them!
And what on earth does age have to do with whether a member of the House or Senate can vote for life?
How they vote, and whether they will vote to protect life, is what really matters.
Life matters.
Protecting life transcends all political parties, all religions, all races, and people of all economic status.
This year, the United States Senate is only a net gain of six seats shy of achieving pro-life leadership.
Thirty-six U.S. Senate seats are up this year – 21 are held by pro-abortion Democrats or “Independents” who caucus with them, and 15 are held by Republicans.
We, who understand how precious life is, must defend the pro-life seats.
And, we must also work to take those seats held by pro-abortion senators and representatives and replace them with legislators who will vote for life.
Since 1973, more than 56 million defenseless babies have been aborted – more than 3,000 each day,
365 days a year. When we stay home on election day babies die, allowing atrocities seen in the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell to continue across the nation.
Some people wrongly believe what they personally do won’t really make a difference. Yet, this past spring in West Virginia (my home state), four House of Delegates candidates lost or won their primary elections by fewer than twenty votes combined. Had a handful of their friends shown up to vote, the outcome may have been altered.
What is the clear message? You CAN make a difference in your community, and even in our nation. You can make sure your pro-life family and friends go to the polls and vote for pro-life candidates.
Together, if we remain focused and we persevere, if we continue to work and organize, in 2014, we can bring needed change to Washington, D.C. We can begin to reverse the perverse culture of death which is shaming our nation. It is essential that we prioritize protecting our nation’s most precious resource – our children, and those who are most vulnerable.
You are pro-life because you recognize that it’s not about us, or our individual states, or our preferred candidate: It is about coming closer each day to a pro-life Court that will protect the lives of vulnerable human beings – unborn children, and medically dependent and people with disabilities.
The 3,000 babies who die by abortion today are too important to lose sight of that ultimate goal.
By Karen Cross, National Right to Life Political Director, NRLC