The annual March for Life in Washington, DC, is next Wednesday, but other marches are planned around the country. One of them is in Chicago this Sunday.
This year's observance in the nation's capital is the 40th March for Life. Mary FioRito tells OneNewsNow the Chicago event – ninth in the city's history – was organized primarily for those unable to attend the March for Life in Washington.
"[It gives them] the chance to be one with the group that's going to Washington, to be part of the national opposition to the Roe v. Wade decision, and to sort of connect with those who are making that trip to DC," she explains further.
Much like the March for Life, Chicago's observance will feature several pro-life speakers and then a march from the rally site to a government building.
"At the Federal Plaza we'll be listening to inspiring speeches from religious leaders including Cardinal Francis George, Greek Orthodox Bishop Demetrios, Pastor Caesar LeFlore from the African-American Pro-life Coalition as well as a former Planned Parenthood employee," she shares. "Then we'll march to the State of Illinois building where we're going to hear a celebration of life."
FioRito explains people throughout Illinois and surrounding states are planning to attend. The march in the Windy City starts at the Federal Plaza at 1:00 p.m. (local).
Other cities are having local events including San Francisco's major march the following weekend.
Contact: Charlie Butts (OneNewsNow.com)