Jahi McMath has been moved to an undisclosed facility and provided nutrients. From the San Francisco Chronicle story:
Lawyer Christopher Dolan and Jahi's uncle, Omari Sealey, said Jahi was "safely" moved from Children's on Sunday night in an ambulance. "We're very relieved that she got safely to where she needed to be, because we were all very afraid that given the fragile condition as she wasted away at Children's that she might not make it," Dolan said. He said Jahi is being stabilized so that she can be given a feeding tube and that she was already receiving potassium intravenously
For those all het up about the costs:
As for the costs, Dolan said the family is being helped by charitable donations and organizations.
That's as it should be.
Some say I should use the term, "her body," when referring to Jahi. I won't do that. I believe she has died because there have been sufficient examinations to have confidence in the declaration. But why pour salt in a wound?
The die is cast. Eventually her body will break down regardless of technological support. If not, that will really be eyebrow raising.
By Wesley J. Smith, National Review