With the Girl Scout Cookie sales campaign coming up, a researcher explains some reasons why sales have dipped considerably.
Only 10-20% of funds from sales stays with a girl's local troop and the rest goes to her local council. But a licensing fee generates millions of dollars for the national organization.
Ann Saladin of My Girl Scout Council tells OneNewsNow the Girl Scouts is leaning far to the left. Examples of liberal tendencies recently displayed by the national Girl Scouts organization include asking girls for comments on women that have made an impact and suggesting pro-abortion Texas Senator Wendy Davis, and posting articles on pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius, etc.
“If they are throwing out this kind of conversation to 2,000,000 girls, they should think that these girls are capable of coming up with their own women to think of,” Saladin says. “Don't they think these girls could have a very capable and intelligent conversation without starting these conversations with a very biased listing?”
In addition, the curriculum girls must complete to earn some of the badges features women who support unlimited abortion.
“You have organizations like the ACLU,” she adds. “You have the Population Council, Amnesty International, lots of women, lots of organizations that publicly promote reproductive rights and sexual rights.”
There is no mention of pro-life role models, yet Girl Scouts says it doesn't take a position on these more sensitive issues. There are far more facts on the Girl Scouts on Saladin's web site.
Contact: Charlie Butts (OneNewsNow.com)