Andrea Grimes, writing at RH reality check, a pro-abortion blog, has issued a clarion call to forestall a Texas proposal that would require three hours of adoption counseling prior to any abortion. Her plan? Undermine pro-lifers' "hold" on the issue by "exposing" adoption as a corrupt, woman-coercing, money-making cartel!
But to come up with such a counter-factual, counter-intuitive slur, Grimes must set up several egregiously false claims:
that adoption "is not an alternative to abortion, but rather an alternative to parenting"; and
that adoption victimizes both the mother and child.
The first premise is artificial—that "pregnant people' [her absurd term] are either pro-death or pro-life, and, if the latter, are deciding between parenting and adoption. But those struggling with a "problematic" pregnancy are not so easily pegged, and can change course after reflection. Grimes gives no source for the "research" she claims that women open to adoption "never considered abortion as a viable option."
Then Grimes asserts that the proposal for pre-abortion adoption counseling "would serve predominantly to detain, and perhaps shame, pregnant people who are already in a time crunch." But far from "shaming" women, the great majority of women facing unanticipated or 'problematic' pregnancies would be empowered by facts, such as accurate information about support systems, maternity homes, and adoption options.
Grimes announces that adoption leaves parents and adoptees with "complicated and mixed emotions about their experience…[and] not unilaterally the joyful exploration of loving kindness.. heroism and bravery." Well, no duh.
She maliciously paints adoption facilitators and supporters as suppressing or denying such totally expected after-effects. Why? You guessed it–for the greater goal of profit and/or religious ideology.
This is untrue and unfair, but not unsurprising given that Grimes' target audience of "reproductive justice" advocates frame all issues as battles against patriarchy, capitalism, and Christian fanaticism.
The heart of Grimes' call-to-action is this very self-satisfying pronouncement:
"[A]ccusations leveled at the so-called abortion industry by anti-choice reproductive rights opponents—specifically, that coercive 'abortionists' are solely interested in creating and maintaining demand for their services for the singular purpose of making money off hoodwinked and/or ignorant clientele—could be aptly applied to the largely unregulated domestic and international adoption industry."
Whereas the self-serving, coercive claims against abortion are true, Grimes' allegations of a coercive adoption cartel remain just that—allegations without actual cases cited. And the tactic is stated—to attack pro-lifers by associating us with adoption agencies which she has demonized.
Let's not forget that adoption is not a "political weapon" for pro-lifers. It is a practical remedy for the situation of a child not born into a welcoming family who will otherwise be killed by abortion.
By Kathy Ostrowski, legislative director, Kansans for Life