August 8, 2013

Rep. Aaron Schock: Defunding "Wouldn't Necessarily Stop The Affordable Care Act"

At a town hall meeting Monday, Illinois Republican congressman Aaron Schock said the effort to defund Obamacare, "wouldn't necessarily stop the Affordable Care Act from being implemented".
Currently Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are leading an effort in the Senate, joined by some 100 members of the House of Representatives, to vow not to vote for any continuing resolution or other appropriations bill that contains funding for Obamacare.
Congressman Schock said, "Operationally the Affordable Care Act benefits are not actually part of the discretionary line items of our budget. There is money in there for implementation for HHS, that we have access to but in terms of the big behemoth of the federal exchanges and so on that's not in the budget."
That statement by congressman Schock is in contradiction to what Senators Lee and Cruz are saying, as well as Heritage Action, which says Obamacare's mandatory spending can be held up in the continuing resolution, which will fund the government after September 30th.
Speaking about the fear some Republicans have in Washington about the prospects of President Obama and/or Harry Reid shutting down the government over the defunding of Obamacare congressman Schock said, "I'm not convinced that after a month of a government shutdown, when our seniors don't get their Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the troops don't get paid, that my position would be a sustainable position. At the end of the day this is all a public opinion battle. A better strategy is to expose the law."
View Rep. Aaron Schock video here:
Contact: Ulysses Arn, Source: Illinois Review