Despite sometimes fierce and contentious opposition from abortion activists, Gov. Rick Perry signed significant legislation today that will protect the lives of women and preborn babies.
The law prohibits abortions after 20 weeks, when preborn babies begin to feel pain. It also requires abortionists to be qualified to treat life-threatening complications, and to have hospital admitting privileges no farther than 30 miles away.
"This is an important day for those who support life and for those who support the health of Texas women," Perry said. "In signing House Bill 2, we celebrate and further cement the foundation on which the culture of life in Texas is built."
It wasn't an easy road, but Texas lawmakers didn't let protesters deter them.
Sen. Wendy Davis last month tried to block a similar bill with a filibuster. She was stopped for veering off topic. Then, more than 400 abortion activists interrupted the proceedings, which prevented lawmakers from voting before the midnight deadline.
Perry then announced the second special session, which began July 1.
Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser called the law a "life-saving victory."
It also sheds light on the need for such legislation at the federal level.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act last month. The legislation would ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks of pregnancy. But it's unlikely that Senate leadership will ever bring it to the floor.
"Polls consistently show that the majority of Americans support protecting babies and women late in pregnancy," Dannenfelser said. "Senate Majority Leader Reid should bring this to the floor for a vote. If he and his Senate colleagues stand with the American people against the barbarism of late-term abortion, they have nothing to fear from a Senate vote. Conversely, remaining silent on this — especially in the aftermath of Kermit Gosnell and — other abortion clinic horrors — would be both a moral and political mistake."
We cannot let the abortion industry "police itself," said Americans United for Life (AUL) President Charmaine Yoest.
"States like Texas will save lives by insisting that high standards be followed," Yoest explained. "This should be an area of bipartisan agreement."
Dannenfelser agrees.
"Real lives are at stake," she said. "Washington, as well as the abortion lobby, must not be allowed to ignore the women and babies suffering barbaric late-term abortions nationwide."
Contact: Bethany Monk, Source: CitizenLink