Conservatives are generally labeled with this accusation [of conducting a "war on women"] because of the pro-life stance with which the Republican Party aligns. But the pro-life position actually protects women's health against the negative effects of abortion.
The effects of abortion on women are well documented. According to research compiled by FRC in The Top Ten Myths About Abortion, medical complications "include cervical lacerations and injury, uterine perforations, bleeding, hemorrhage, serious infection, pain, and incomplete abortion." The abortifacient RU-486 carries risks similar to those of the abortion procedure.
Psychological complications of abortion include "increased risk of major depression, anxiety disorder, suicidal behaviors, and substance dependence." More recently, Post-Abortion Syndrome (as a subset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) has been identified in women who suffer from effects like guilt feelings, anxiety, and flashbacks.
Of greatest concern, perhaps, are the dangers of abortion to adolescent girls. Sarah Robinson summarizes some of the research:
Adolescents who have had abortions, compared to those who have given birth, report more sleeping problems, frequent marijuana use, and increased need for psychological counseling.
MARRI research demonstrates the link between a woman's upbringing and her likelihood to abort her first child. An intact family structure and weekly religious worship in her family of origin make her least likely to have an abortion. These factors also make her least likely to have a non-marital pregnancy to begin with. Countering the negative effects of abortion in teenagers, which can extend into later life (especially in women who have multiple abortions), begins with restoring the role of the family and religion in the life of young women.
Contact: Sharon Barrett
Source: FRCBlog.com