Citizens to Stand Up for Religious Freedom in Third Coast-to-Coast Event on October 20
This Saturday, just 17 days before Election Day, concerned citizens of Chicago will take to the streets to voice public opposition to the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Mandate. The HHS Mandate forces all employers -- including religious schools and hospitals -- to provide free contraceptives, surgical sterilizations, and abortion-inducing drugs through their health plans, regardless of religious or moral convictions.
Event Details:
What: Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally
When: Saturday, October 20, beginning at noon
Where: Federal Plaza, Adams and Dearborn, Chicago (click to view map)
Who: Thousands of local citizens opposed to Obama's HHS Mandate
The Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally will assemble downtown at noon on Federal Plaza, Adams and Dearborn, and those gathered will march to Daley Plaza for the main event and rally speakers. Concerned Chicagoans will join citizens coast-to-coast, as rallies take place in 138 other cities from Maine to Hawaii for this national outcry. A nationwide list of rally sites is available at
The October 20 Stand Up Rally builds on the tremendous momentum created by two previous nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies held in March and June of this year, with over 125,000 citizens of all faiths attending local rallies at 300 sites coast to coast. With the Supreme Court's Obamacare ruling leaving this issue in voters' hands, the October 20 Stand Up Rallies are expected to draw the largest crowds yet.
The Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally has been organized by the Pro-Life Action League. Rally speakers include Dr. Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church, Relevant Radio's Father Rocky Hoffman, Roseland Community Hospital OB/Gyn Dr. Pamela Smith, Triune Health Group owners Chris and Mary Anne Yep, Notre Dame graduate student Angela Miceli, and Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League.
"Americans will not tolerate this blatant abuse of their religious freedom," said Eric Scheidler, one of the national co-directors of the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies. "This country was founded upon the solid understanding that freedom of religion was of paramount importance to those who fought to establish our nation. The rallies express our refusal to accept a forced violation of the rights of all Americans. We will be calling on the American people to vote for candidates who will overturn the HHS Mandate and restore religious liberty to America."
Information on the nationwide rallies is available at
Contact: Tom Ciesielka
Source: Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally
This Saturday, just 17 days before Election Day, concerned citizens of Chicago will take to the streets to voice public opposition to the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Mandate. The HHS Mandate forces all employers -- including religious schools and hospitals -- to provide free contraceptives, surgical sterilizations, and abortion-inducing drugs through their health plans, regardless of religious or moral convictions.
Event Details:
What: Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally
When: Saturday, October 20, beginning at noon
Where: Federal Plaza, Adams and Dearborn, Chicago (click to view map)
Who: Thousands of local citizens opposed to Obama's HHS Mandate
The Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally will assemble downtown at noon on Federal Plaza, Adams and Dearborn, and those gathered will march to Daley Plaza for the main event and rally speakers. Concerned Chicagoans will join citizens coast-to-coast, as rallies take place in 138 other cities from Maine to Hawaii for this national outcry. A nationwide list of rally sites is available at
The October 20 Stand Up Rally builds on the tremendous momentum created by two previous nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies held in March and June of this year, with over 125,000 citizens of all faiths attending local rallies at 300 sites coast to coast. With the Supreme Court's Obamacare ruling leaving this issue in voters' hands, the October 20 Stand Up Rallies are expected to draw the largest crowds yet.
The Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally has been organized by the Pro-Life Action League. Rally speakers include Dr. Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church, Relevant Radio's Father Rocky Hoffman, Roseland Community Hospital OB/Gyn Dr. Pamela Smith, Triune Health Group owners Chris and Mary Anne Yep, Notre Dame graduate student Angela Miceli, and Eric Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League.
"Americans will not tolerate this blatant abuse of their religious freedom," said Eric Scheidler, one of the national co-directors of the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies. "This country was founded upon the solid understanding that freedom of religion was of paramount importance to those who fought to establish our nation. The rallies express our refusal to accept a forced violation of the rights of all Americans. We will be calling on the American people to vote for candidates who will overturn the HHS Mandate and restore religious liberty to America."
Information on the nationwide rallies is available at
Contact: Tom Ciesielka
Source: Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally