Everything. Governor Scott Walker's decisive and stunning recall victory is rippling through Wisconsin and the nation. The consequences are huge – especially for continuation of building a culture of life in this great state.
Make no mistake – Gov. Walker is a true believer in preserving the sanctity of human life. He began his advocacy for life as a student at Marquette University where he was leader of the campus pro-life group. As a state Assembly Representative and now as Governor, Walker has established an unprecedented record of leadership and support for the most vulnerable among us.
In the short time he has been governor, a number of laws that will make a difference have been signed, including to take dollars away from Planned Parenthood, curb the abortion involvement of the University of Wisconsin Hospital Authority, protect taxpayers from paying for abortions, and protect women from coerced and dangerous RU486 chemical abortions. As a result of that law, Planned Parenthood and one other abortion clinic have stopped doing chemical abortions in Wisconsin.
The recall victory has huge national implications.
President Obama's election team just placed Wisconsin in the "toss-up" or "battleground" category, despite the President's 14-point victory in 2008. Although exit and other polls still show Obama leading Romney in Wisconsin, the huge turnout for the governor and sophisticated get-out-the-vote effort have gotten the full attention of the Obama team and national pundits.
President Obama did not come to Wisconsin to campaign for pro-abortion Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, probably because he sensed a Barrett loss. Now, Obama's election team is watching what seemed like a sure win for Wisconsin's electoral votes grow more unsure by the day.
Planned Parenthood and its allies are reeling. Gov. Walker has taken on the status of cult hero, or, as described by Barrett, a "rock star." He is truly loved by his supporters who came out in droves to work and vote for him.
Gov. Walker's recall victory surpassed his 2010 totals by significant numbers. It appears that Gov. Walker will have a long tenure as leader of our great state of Wisconsin, and that is very good news for those we defend.
Contact: Barbara Lyons
Source: National Right to Life