Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) has filed suit against an ObamaCare mandate that requires companies like Hercules Industries to provide free birth control, the "morning-after" pill and sterilization.
The Denver-based HVAC product manufacturer is a family-owned business led by devout Catholics with sincerely held beliefs regarding the sanctity of life. Even though the healthcare mandate would violate the family's religious beliefs, the new rules would require the business to begin providing the controversial coverage when its self-insured plan renews at the first of November.
"The government shouldn't punish people of faith for making decisions in accordance with their faith," contends ADF attorney Matt Bowman. "Every American should know that a government with the power to punish people for their faith can do that, and worse, to everyone. The abortion pill mandate unconstitutionally coerces the leadership of Hercules Industries to violate their religious beliefs and consciences under the threat of heavy fines and penalties."
Bowman concludes "that is not acceptable in America."
The lawsuit is the second one filed against the mandate on behalf of a business that would be forced to finance the new insurance coverage and violate its religious beliefs.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow