All 181 Bishops have signed the letter opposing the recent HHS (Health and Human Services) mandate regarding religious freedom. This mandate attacks the core of our Constitutional rights!
This is a reminder of the rallies planned across the country to defend our religious freedom!
Please make every effort to join, Friday March 23, at Noon in a RALLY in defense of religious freedom and STAND UP against the Obama administration's HHS Mandate at federal buildings in cities across the country. I have listed only those in Illinois; however St. Louis and other cities close to Illinois will be holding them as well. Please goto: http://standupforreligiousfreedom.com/ and check for the city nearest you!
Please make every effort to join, Friday March 23, at Noon in a RALLY in defense of religious freedom and STAND UP against the Obama administration's HHS Mandate at federal buildings in cities across the country. I have listed only those in Illinois; however St. Louis and other cities close to Illinois will be holding them as well. Please goto: http://standupforreligiousfreedom.com/ and check for the city nearest you!
If at all possible, please attend the rally closest to you. If time or location prevents you from joining us personally, Please join us in prayer between Noon and 1:00pm. Faithful Citizenship is everyone's responsibility!
- Chicago:
- Federal Plaza
- 50 W. Adams Street (Map)
RSVP the Chicago rally on Facebook
- E-mail the Rally Captain
- Freeport:
- Lincoln-Douglas Debate Square
- 114 E. Douglas Street (Parking Locations)
- E-mail the Rally Leader
- Peoria:
- Peoria Courthouse
- 324 Main Street (Map)
- E-mail the Rally Leader
- Rockford:
- Holy Family Parish
- 4401 Highcrest Road (Map)
- Mass preceding Rally at 11 a.m.
- E-mail the Rally Captain
- Sterling:
- Grandon Civic Center
- 310 E. Park Avenue (Map)
- Mass at 11 a.m. Prior to Rally