Life Dynamics has produced a new report on violence against women who didn't want an abortion, revealing information that one pro-lifer says would be a "scandal" to ignore.
Spokesman Mark Crutcher, producer of the documentary Maafa 21, says the abortion lobby knows about the violence; they talk about it at some of their conventions, he says, but do nothing about it. And he points out that the historic position among feminists was pro-life.
Mark Crutcher"One of the reasons that the early feminists in this country -- the people like Susan B. Anthony, and Virginia Woodhall, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul, who wrote the Equal Rights Amendment -- the reason that these women were all opposed to the legalization of abortion was because they knew that it would be a weapon used by sexually irresponsible and sexually predatory males," he explains. "It was not something that would profit women."
In the report "Under-the-Radar Violence in the Conflict Over Abortion," Life Dynamics documents 80 known cases of women murdered for refusing to have abortions. And Crutcher says that is only the tip of the iceberg, as there are also women and girls who are coerced, intimidated, and threatened into terminating pregnancies. So as the pro-lifer concludes, "Ignoring that is a scandal."
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow