An abortionist should not be able to ply his trade over the Internet. That's what several lawmakers in Indiana think, according to a bill introduced by state Sen. Travis Holdman that passed a committee on a 5-4 vote Wednesday.
For the last year, Planned Parenthood has been expanding its operations by having women consult with abortionists by webcam. Regardless of where the doctor is located, he pushes a button which remotely dispenses the chemical abortion drug RU-486 to the woman.
"It has to be an in-person exam to prevent Telemed abortions from taking place," Holdman said.
Ryan McCann, director of operations and public policy for the Indiana Family Institute, said the bill is needed, because chemical abortions are not as safe as the industry would lead women to believe.
"There've been some serious complications with giving those out after seven weeks of pregnancy," he said, noting that some women have even died. "We want to make sure that they're getting the medication from licensed physicians and not folks that don't understand the medication."
Contact: Steve Jordahl
Source: CitizenLink