Jane Russell, the Hollywood film star of the 1940s and 50s, has died aged 89. Best-known for her beauty, her opposition to abortion is also widely noted in today's obituaries. As a 19-year old, she resorted to an illegal abortion, which almost killed her and which left her infertile. She's pictured (right) with Marilyn Monroe (whom it is claimed was also left infertile by abortion). Rather than conclude from the experience that abortion should be legalised, she rejected abortion, saying:
"People should never, ever have an abortion. Don't talk to me about it being a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body. The choice is between life and death."
She started an organisation called WAIF (World Adoption International Fund) to help people adopt unwanted children from overseas, and adopted three children herself.
Her family has asked that, instead of flowers, mourners send donations to her local pro-life crisis pregnancy centre.
Jane Russell is not the only celebrity to have stuck out her neck by making comments in support of unborn children or the dignity of motherhood, for example:
•Charlton Heston, a contemporary of Jane Russell, gave the introduction to Eclipse of Reason (1986), the second of the late Dr Bernard Nathanson's documentaries on the reality of abortion
•Jennifer O'Neill, a Hollywood actress from the 1970s onwards, now speaks out about her abortion experience on behalf of the Silent No More campaign, supported in the UK by SPUC.
•Justin Bieber, the 17 year-old pop star, last month said that he doesn't "believe in abortion" because "It's like killing a baby". He has been attacked for being "too young" to have opinions on abortion!
•Natalie Portman, who won best actress in this week's Oscars, has been attacked for describing her motherhood as "the most important role of my life". She also described pregnancy as "a miracle" giving meaning and importance amidst superficiality.
So let's pray that more people in the entertainment industry will be encouraged to speak out in support of life and family and not discouraged by attacks from the culture of death.
Illinois Federation for Right to Life
2600 State Street, Suite E
Alton, IL 62002
Phone: 618-466-4122
Fax: 618-466-4134
Web: www.ifrl.org
E-mail: mail@ifrl.org