Adult stem cells continue to make scientific advancements as they have now proved successful in treating burns.
Skin grafts can typically take weeks to work and always pose the threat of complications like infection or rejection of a donor's skin. Dr. David Prentice, senior fellow for life sciences at the Family Research Council (FRC), tells OneNewsNow the latest breakthrough comes from research at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh.
"[They] can take a patient's own adult stem cells, and they literally spray on skin-forming stem cells, kind of like you were spray painting," Dr. Prentice explains. "They've shown that they can use it to regenerate skin and protect after burns."
David Prentice (FRC)And in one case involving severe burns, complete healing took place within four days. Another group in Utah is using a similar technique to spray on skin for diabetic ulcers and non-healing wounds that have taken more than a year to heal.
"[They'll] heal up within just a few days. This is just amazing stuff," the life sciences senior fellow contends. "And again, what they've done is they're taking your own adult stem cells from skin or from bone marrow [and] just spraying them on so that you have a healing coating over these wounds."
Prentice adds that nothing dies with the use of adult stem cells, which currently treat more than 70 illnesses and medical conditions. Meanwhile, research on human embryos, which involves killing tiny human beings, has produced zero results.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
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