Those who value life are hopeful that the Obamacare repeal that passed the U.S. House Wednesday could spark another effort to stopping taxpayer-funding of abortions. But since in Illinois there are absolutely no restrictions on abortion, no parental notification law enforcement, and generous state funding of abortions, the effort may have minimal effect if passed, except for any federal funding that goes to health care clinics:
It was an issue that nearly derailed President Obama's national health care law: whether the plan would provide any federal funds for abortion. Now, as Republicans have taken up the effort to repeal the law, the issue has returned to the forefront.But didn't the Obama executive order restrict funding of abortions? Prolife lawmakers and activists are skeptical, and suspect the money is being funneled for the same use under another guise:
Before the law was passed, pro-life advocates argued that nothing would stop taxpayer dollars from being used to finance abortions through insurance subsidies. Obama and his congressional allies struck a compromise with pro-life Democrats to get the law passed. In return for their support, the president signed an executive order restating his promise to use no federal monies for abortion.
But now, activists see a chance to tighten restrictions.
"One way or another, taxpayer money will help and assist abortions that will occur as a result of Obamacare," said Rep. John Fleming, a Louisiana Republican who is also a physician.More in Fox News.
Fleming says he's concerned about $11 billion slated to fund community health centers.
Source: Illinois Review