My initial interpretation of the December 20 news that Planned Parenthood will now require all its affiliates to commit abortions was that it would require all clinics to commit them.
A pro-abort tweeted in response to my post, "doesn't mean all CLINICS. affiliate = regional grouping."
The Daily Caller today confirmed this. I'm skipping PP's rhetoric in my excerpt, but be sure to read its PR spin at the link.
When contacted by The Daily Caller, Lisa David, senior vice president of Health Services Support for PP, said that the organization is implementing a broad "new patient services initiative."…
[S]aid David in a statement. "To meet the needs of our patients, PP affiliates will now offer a unified set of core preventive services."…
She went on to say that abortion services will be offered in at least one clinic per affiliate. However, a waiver may be obtained in the case of "unique local circumstances."…
[A] spokesperson for the Family Research Council… told TheDC… "This is about… bringing in more money…. [T]hey try to create a public image where everything focuses on STD's, family planning, etc, but abortion is a profitable endeavor."
Right now, PP has 817 health clinics throughout the U.S. 173 of those already perform surgical abortions, and 131 perform chemical abortions. The PP network is made up of 87 locally-government regional centers, which then oversee hundreds of other clinics.
What's going on is PP wants to stop outsourcing abortions and keep them all in-house.
The plan also dovetails nicely with PP's burgeoning webcam (telemed) abortion business. The new scheme will allow each affiliate to have an RU486 hub, requiring only 1 abortionist, from whence the chemical abortion cocktail is dispensed via computer screen to all other clinics in the affiliate.
Contact: Jill Stanek
Source: JillStanek.com
Publish Date: December 23, 2010