As a late-term abortionist has shared his plans to expand his business to other states, a move is under way to thwart his efforts in Indiana.
Carhart has announced plans to extend his expertise from Omaha to Iowa, Maryland and Indianapolis. According to Mike Fichter of Indiana Right to Life, Carhart has only been performing first-term abortions in Indianapolis, "but, of course, his announced plan for expansion has caused great alarm because there is concern at this point that that expansion will include trying to turn Indianapolis into a late-term abortion Mecca," he explains.
Late-term abortions are legal in Indiana, so Fichter believes that would pave the way for Carhart's plans. As a result, Indiana Right to Life is encouraging lawmakers to close those loopholes and adopt Nebraska's Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortions after 20 weeks. (See earlier story)
"We think that will correct some of the serious flaws that are currently in place in Indiana's law regarding second and third trimester abortions," the pro-lifer suggests. "So we want the legislators in Indiana to send a very clear message that Indiana does not want to be known as a destination for late-term abortions, and we think we can get that accomplished here in the upcoming session."
Of the 20 freshmen legislators in the House, 18 were endorsed by his organization. Pro-lifers have also made gains in the Senate, and Fichter has received calls from lawmakers who want to move forward with the legislation.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: December 1, 2010