Representative John Boehner (R)
House Republicans and Democrats chose their respective leaders today, electing to renew a rivalry between Rep. John Boehner and Rep. Nancy Pelosi that became famous during the debate over health care. Boehner and Pelosi hold drastically different views, particularly on issues of life and family.
Boehner, who acted as Minority Leader for the Republicans in the previous Congress, was unanimously chosen by the House GOP conference to be the next Speaker, a position for which he ran unopposed. In a strange coincidence, it was noted that Boehner was elected the 61st Speaker of the House on his 61st birthday.
As leader of the Republicans, Boehner was a major force in the overwhelming victories in the midterm elections. He was also one of the representatives behind the "Pledge to America," a document that outlined the GOP's agenda for the upcoming years and that included a section pledging to eliminate federal funding of abortion. The preamble of the "Pledge" stated, "We pledge to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values."
Rep. Boehner has a long pro-life history. He has a 0% pro-choice voting record from the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL). Conversely, he has a 100% pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC).
On Monday, Boehner reaffirmed his commitment to overturning Obamacare and protecting the rights of children, at a reception put on by the Susan B. Anthony List and Students for Life of America for new members of the House.
On the other side of the aisle, Nancy Pelosi was elected by Democrats to be their Minority Leader when the 112th Congress convenes. Pelosi has been seen as a lightening rod for controversy since the mid-term elections, as many have blamed her for the overwhelming losses Democrats suffer.
In the last few days, pro-life Rep. Heath Shuler challenged Pelosi for the leadership position. Pelosi won in the end, though, with a vote of 150-43 in her favor. However, the results of the closed-door election reveal that there is a significant block of Democrats unhappy with her leadership.
Pelosi, who identifies herself as Catholic despite her views on abortion, was the continual target of Republican ads during the mid-term campaigns. Defeated Florida Rep. Allen Boyd called Pelosi the "face of our defeat."
In contrast to her successor Boehner, Pelosi is a staunch abortion advocate. She scores a 100% pro-choice rating from NARAL and is publicly backed by Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, who cites Pelosi's support for abortion funding in the health care bill as the reason she needs to remain Democratic leader.
Richards recently wrote that, "Nancy Pelosi understands women's health issues in a deeply personal way -- and when she stands for women, it matters…Women need her now more than ever to protect their gains from those who are anxious to roll back health care and undermine their rights under the law."
Both Boehner and Pelosi will be officially selected for their positions of leadership when the 112th congress convenes in January.
Contact: Matthew Anderson
Source: LifeSiteNews.com
Publish Date: November 17, 2010