Iowa Governor-elect Terry Branstad
Iowa's incoming Republican leadership in the House vows to pass pro-life legislation in 2011. Governor-elect Terry Branstad has said he would sign such a bill into law.
Speaker-elect Kraig Paulsen said it is necessary, since Nebraska's LeRoy Carhart recently announced he was opening an abortion clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Chuck Hurley, president of the Iowa Family Policy Center Action, is encouraged by the attention to this very real danger.
"We have a crisis now that has got the attention of House-speaker elect Kraig Paulsen," Hurley said. "When Carhart announced that he was going to metastasize his evil deeds – he was going to take his late-term abortion practice into other states – the natural place to go was across the river into Council Bluffs, Iowa."
Hurley said the obstacle will be the Senate, which is controlled by pro-abortion Democrats.
He also noted the questionable location of the late-term abortion clinic – the Democrat Senate Majority Leader's district.
Hurley said Planned Parenthood runs an online "telemed" chemical abortion pilot program in Iowa, which they hope to export to the other 49 states. It involves an abortionist consulting with a patient via webcam, then dispensing the abortion pill by remote control.
"There's going to be legislation to try to limit – or eliminate – these 'telemed' abortions," he said. "I have talked to several of the new legislators. They will be also pushing for a clear statement on the personhood of every human being from the moment of conception."
Source: CitizenLink
Publish Date: November 22, 2010