Council Bluffs, Iowa
An Iowa town has taken a step to block a late-term abortionist's plans to set up shop there.
Omaha abortionist LeRoy Carhart recently announced plans to expand his business to Maryland, Indiana, and Council Bluffs, Iowa. But Steven Brody, executive director of Dubuque County Right to Life, tells OneNewsNow approximately 300 pro-life citizens showed up for a city council meeting and asked that Carhart not be given a pass to proceed.
"One of the decisions that they made was they voted unanimously to place a deed restriction on a certain parcel of land to prevent that land from being used as an abortion clinic," Brody reports.
So Avenue G and North 15th Street, the lot Carhart was reportedly considering, will not be utilized as an abortion facility. However, that does not block him from choosing a different location. But according to Brody, the pro-life citizens and city council sent a loud message to the abortionist. So he believes people in the two other states where Carhart hopes to open shop should feel emboldened to take action.
"Certainly, pro-lifers in Indianapolis and in Maryland, where Carhart is hoping and wishing to open up those late-term facilities there... there should be no reason why good folks in those areas can't muster their forces together and produce similar results," the pro-life spokesman contends.
He thinks the primary reason why the Omaha abortionist may want to take his business to new locations is because the legislature passed a bill last session that basically prohibits abortions beyond 20 weeks.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 26, 2010