Bella, the movie
A pro-life movie that was released three years ago has gained international attention and awards and is still saving lives of unborn babies.
Jason Jones, co-executive producer of Bella, the movie used by pregnancy centers as a counseling tool, launched the Bella HERO initiative as part of his non-profit, the Human rights Education and Relief Organization (HERO).
"I think I was inspired by the Holy Spirit for this program," he shares. "I wanted to get Bella in the hands of as many young, pregnant women as I could, so we came up with the idea of donating Bella DVDs to pregnancy centers. We've given out over 10,000 DVDs."
So far, 203 women have credited the movie with their decision to turn against abortion and give their unborn babies life. In fact, three reported changing their plans in one day. A number of pregnancy centers already distribute the video to their abortion-minded clients, but Jones hopes to keep using Bella to spread the pro-life message.
"Our website is BellaHero.com, and if you're a pregnancy center, you just go up there and sign up, and we'll send you a kit," he explains. "We work with over 500 centers right now. We'll send you a free start-up kit and the Bella DVDs. If you ever need Bella DVDs for your pregnancy center, shoot us an e-mail or contact us through our website," the pro-lifer urges.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: November 18, 2010