As students from all over the world participated in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity and took a stand for the unborn on Tuesday, the event founder shares about the life-saving effects.
Bryan Kemper, founder of the event and president of Stand True Ministries, reports that students overcame opposition at schools for the sake of convincing young mothers to cancel their abortions and preserve the lives of their unborn babies. He tells OneNewsNow about what they endured for taking a vow of silence, putting red tape over their mouths, and handing out pro-life literature.
"They're being called names all day; they're having food thrown at them, [and] they're pushed in the hallways," Kemper laments. "People will rip the tape off their face and laugh at them, yet these kids stay strong. In fact, they tell me how much more that they want to stand for their faith now that they've seen that persecution."
He admits feeling blown away by young people who desperately want to live in a world where unborn babies are not dying at the hands of abortionists.
"My generation failed; my generation passed down a legacy of 38 years and 52 million dead children -- [but] these kids, they don't want to pass that down; they want to end it, and they truly believe that they can do that," the Stand True Ministries president shares.
Considering the success of this year's event, Kemper is already looking forward to next year's Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity on October 18.
Contact: Bill Bumpas
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 25, 2010