A coalition of pro-life groups has launched EllaCausesAbortions.com to emphasize the dangers of the new "morning-after" pill, ellaOne.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unanimously approved ellaOne last June as an emergency contraceptive, despite its ability to kill newly conceived children.
"It's an abortifacient drug, just like RU-486," contends Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America. "And so we developed this website in coalition with the Family Research Council, 40 Days for Life [and] a lot of other folks to educate Americans about what ella is -- what are the side effects of this drug and why the FDA should at least...warn women that this drug can cause abortion."
RU-486, the "parent drug" of ellaOne, has led to the deaths of 12 women and serious side effects, so Hawkins believes the same results can be expected of ellaOne.
The drug is currently available by prescription only, but the pro-lifer points out that Planned Parenthood is working to make birth control free for every woman under federal healthcare reform. Also, the FDA is heading toward over-the-counter sale of ellaOne, even though there is no research on the effects of repeated use or its potential impact on children.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Publish Date: October 28, 2010