Days after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services bowed to public pressure and posted a the results of favorable abstinence survey, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement Tuesday, stating it was "unwise" to promote abstinence-only education.
In its policy statement, "Sexuality, Contraception and the Media," AAP's Council on Communications and Media, indicated:
"It is unwise to promote 'abstinence-only' sex education when it has been shown to be ineffective and when the media have become such an important source of information about 'non-abstinence.'"
Chad Hills, CitizenLink's sexual health and abstinence analyst, said there are positive and negative aspects of the policy statement.
"Although it's commendable that the AAP policy is least recognizing – and addressing – the media's promotion of casual sex outside of marriage to teens," Hills said, "they failed to recognize the importance of parents, educators and the media in upholding a higher expected sexual standard –namely keeping sexuality within the context of marriage."
Melissa Henson, director of communications and public education at Parents Television Council, said, sex and marriage is portrayed in the media as something painful and that you have to do out of obligation.
"Sexual relationships that are adulterous or that take place outside of the context of marriage are always presented in a favorable light," Henson said. "The only kind of sexual relationships that really aren't addressed on television are sexual relationships within the context of a loving and committed marriage."
Even shows that attempt to show the realities of teen sexual activity are problematic.
"I have yet to see a TV show that handled these messages in a responsible way to begin with," Henson added. "It is important for parents to make it clear to their kids that there are real-world consequences that they need to be prepared to deal with."
Date Published: September 1, 2010