August 18, 2010

U.S. Inspector General Audits Reveal Fraudulent Billing By Planned Parenthood

     Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life

New Jersey Right to Life (NJRTL), released on Friday three separate audits conducted by the U.S. Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, which show that state Planned Parenthood providers have been over-billed the federal government of millions.

The audits, conducted between 2001 and 2005, found that nearly $3 million should have been refunded to the government.

NJRTL's report comes just a few weeks after New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed an effort by abortion-backed elected officials from restoring $7.5 million in tax dollars to family planning clinics.

Marie Tasy, the executive director of New Jersey Right to Life, said this is a systemic problem with Planned Parenthood. According to the audits, clinics improperly billed everything from prescription medications to outpatient services.

"They have a history of abusing the system. They should not be getting funded by the state or federal government, "she said. "All money is fungible, and we know that the money is being used and directed for abortion – even though they claim it's not."

Len Deo, executive director for the New Jersey Family Policy Council, said it's up to the government to decide where our money is best spent.

"These types of abuses in billing serve to underscore the increased scrutiny that these clinics should be subject to."

Date Published: August 16, 2010