Pro-life pregnancy centers are denouncing a bill before Congress to regulate their advertising.
A prominent pro-life group says the National Abortion Rights Action League -- now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America -- and other pro-abortion groups are bringing up what they consider to be false advertising claims against pro-life pregnancy centers and asking Congress to pass stiff regulations. Those groups are questioning the pregnancy centers' ads that appear in online yellow page directories under the headline "abortion services."
Care Net calls the move "just another attempt to shut down the competition."
"What this is bringing to light is the fact that pregnancy centers are becoming more effective in reaching out to women via the Internet -- and it is garnering attention," states Care Net spokesperson Joy Crosby.
She points out that each woman or girl who decides to give her baby life rather than a death sentence is cutting into abortion clinics' profits. Crosby says the bill, sponsored by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-New York) and Senator Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey), is designed to completely shut down the ability of pregnancy centers to advertise.
"Honestly, it's completely unnecessary," she argues, "because the Federal Trade Commission already has truth in advertising regulations out there that cover pregnancy centers as well as any other business or non-profit organization."
According to Crosby, abortion clinics are covered by the same rules -- but she maintains that when it comes to the abortion issue, Congress is more attentive to the voice of pro-abortion forces. She believes out of fairness the bill should be killed, and any complaint against pregnancy centers ought to be filed with the FTC.
Contact: Charlie Butts
Source: OneNewsNow
Date Published: July 13, 2010