May 14, 2010

Kagan Donated to Pro-Abort Group

Kagan Donated to Pro-Abort Group

Soliciter General Elena Kagan

While Soliciter General Elena Kagan has been touted by many in the media as a “moderate” pick for the Supreme Court, even on the volatile issue of abortion, Kagan has revealed her pro-abortion loyalties by contributing financially to the pro-abortion National Partnership for Women and Families (NPWF), reported Americans United for Life Wednesday.

NPWF, according to its own website, works "to increase women’s access to quality, confidential reproductive health services and block attempts to limit reproductive rights and reverse hard-won gains." The organization goes on to specify "contraceptive services and supplies, sexuality education, [and] abortion services" as among its top concerns.

In addition, wrote AUL, NPWF senior advisor Judith Lichtman “wholeheartedly” supported Kagan's nomination in a letter, saying the Solicitor General was a "friend and colleague." Lichtman, a radical supporter of abortion, has said that “efforts to limit coverage of abortion services are really attempts to deny women access to health care services,” according to AUL.

NPWF has deep connections among the most powerful pro-abortion lobby groups in the country: NPWF President Debra L. Ness serves on the Board of Directors at Emily's List, a group dedicated to helping pro-abortion female politicians win elections, and once worked as deputy director of NARAL. NPWF Board Chairwoman Ellen Malcolm was the founder of Emily's List.

Following Kagan's nomination, Ness hailed the nominee as "a superb and brilliant choice to serve as a United States Supreme Court justice."

Ness added that America lost "a powerful champion for justice" in Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, the radically liberal justice Kagan is slated to replace, and that "President Obama’s nomination ... offers the promise that the nation will continue to benefit from having that kind of champion on its highest court."

"Through her association with this group and articles she has written, Kagan has staked out a clear position of active support for unrestricted abortion," remarked Charmaine Yoest, president of AUL Action.

Kagan is currently interviewing privately with U.S. senators prior to her confirmation hearings, expected to begin in June or July.

Contact: Kathleen Gilbert

Publish Date: May 13, 2010
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