White House Considering Up To 10 Supreme Court Nominees, Officials Say

On Monday, White House officials said President Obama is seriously considering 10 possible nominees to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and they denied reports that the pool is narrowed to three top contenders, the Washington Post reports. Media outlets have reported that Obama likely will select one of three candidates: Solicitor General Elena Kagan, D.C. Court of Appeals Judge Merrick Garland and Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Diane Wood.
According to the AP/Washington Times, the Associated Press has confirmed seven names under consideration. In addition to Kagan, Wood and Garland, the White House is reviewing Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D), Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Leah Ward Sears and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Sidney Thomas (Feller, AP/Washington Times, 4/12). According to the Post, Thomas is "relatively unknown but a favorite of liberal groups".
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Obama Advisory Panel to take Broad View of Bioethics

Obama last week announced the full membership of his bioethics advisory council, unveiling a more diverse body and one that is likely to have a greater impact on policy than its predecessor. In the past decade, ethical questions in science have made headlines on issues such as the patenting of human genes, financial conflicts of interest in biomedical research and risk assessments related to environmental exposure to chemicals. These issues were largely ignored by the bioethics commission established by President George W. Bush, which maintained a relatively narrow focus on stem cells, cloning and abortion. But all fall within the remit of the new Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, as outlined by the executive order which established it in November 2009.
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Johnson & Johnson Drug Pushers, Caught up in Massive Conspiracy, Fraud Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed last week accuses Johnson & Johnson of conspiring with pharmaceutical consultant Omnicare in an effort to push J&J drugs on nursing home residents, and violating federal Medicaid laws in the process. As a result of the scheme, "residents were overcharged for their medications, had additional medications administered and were unlawfully switched to Johnson & Johnson drugs," all in the name of increasing revenue, according to the lawsuit. The suit, filed in federal court in California, says Omnicare -- which "occupies a 'dual' role of a dispensing pharmacy and consulting pharmacy" -- gave certain J&J drugs "elevated status as the default drug of choice" for thousands of nursing home patients. J&J allegedly gave Omnicare "performance rebates" -- essentially kickbacks -- in return for its services. This arrangement was memorialized in a 1997 "Supply Agreement" between the two companies, the suit states.
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Adult Stem Cells for Vascular Grafts

Researchers have used adult stem cells to create functional blood vessels that can function for bypass surgeries. The work was presented at the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology Annual Conference 2010. For many people undergoing bypass surgery, blocked arteries are replaced using another vessel from a different part of the body. But many patients don't have a suitable replacement vessel and synthetic grafts are used. However, the synthetic vessels often become clogged within a couple of years. Dr. Stephen McIlhenny and his group at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia have used adult stem cells from fat tissue to create functional blood vessels. Testing the process in rabbits, they grew adult stem cells on human vein scaffolds in the lab. Grafts were prepared using adult stem cells from each test rabbit, then the graft was put back into the individual rabbits so they received grafts containing their own cells, removing the risk of transplant rejection. After eight weeks, rabbits receiving the customized grafts fared better than those receiving synthetic grafts.
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Former Postulant in French Convent Arrested after Entering Toronto Abortion Clinics to Witness to Life

Mary Wagner from the Vancouver, British Columbia area has spent the past four years discerning her vocation in a Catholic convent in France, which she says she felt called to leave in order to share Jesus' love with those involved with abortion – a calling that has most recently landed her in a Toronto prison.
On Monday, March 29, during Holy Week, Mary entered the "Woman's Care" abortion facility where she said she was able to "speak to a few grieving Dads, whose partners had already gone in for their abortions, and let them know about project Rachael, a support system for post abortion parents."
She also had opportunity to talk to some of the waiting mothers, but she said they seemed already committed in their hearts to the deed they had undertaken.
"The darkness there was palpable," Mary observed.
After 45 minutes Mary said the police arrived and escorted her away from the facility.
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Two States Move Forward on Pro-Life Bills

Nebraska and Missouri lawmakers are entertaining several pro-life laws.
The Nebraska Women's Health Protection Act has already passed, making it the first state to require doctors to screen women for possible mental and physical issues before performing an abortion.
Today, legislators also passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (LB 1103), which would make it a felony for a doctor to perform an abortion after 20 weeks in Nebraska.
A hearing was held in a Missouri Senate committee Monday to amend a bill (HB 1327/HB 2000) that would require abortionists to notify prosecuting attorneys about abortions performed on women under age 17 and itt would ensure that women who are considering abortion have the opportunity to view an ultrasound of the child 24 hours before being scheduled for their procedure," he said. "We're very optimistic that the measure will be adopted this year.
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